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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    With the greatest respect to all, I really cannot believe that anyone really takes all this time about the colour of a pair of socks! If you like the colour, then damn well wear them! Alright, I quite accept that kilt hose can be expensive and not every one wants,needs, or can afford a drawer full. I also fully accept that we all have personal preferences, but really, far too much is made of all this matching up, colour coding nonsense.
    Sounds like Scotland is the place for color-blinders like me!

  2. #32
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    "Any colour but white", to quote the late David Lumsden or Cushnie.
    I would stick with this.


    Robert Amyot-MacKinnon

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    With the greatest respect to all, I really cannot believe that anyone really takes all this time about the colour of a pair of socks! If you like the colour, then damn well wear them! Alright, I quite accept that kilt hose can be expensive and not every one wants,needs, or can afford a drawer full. I also fully accept that we all have personal preferences, but really, far too much is made of all this matching up, colour coding nonsense.
    You have a point, M8, but in defence I'll say

    1) I come from the Pipe Band scene where there's a lot more money involved... for example our band bought something like 60 or 70 pairs of matching hose to outfit both the Grade 3 and the Grade 1 bands.
    The BBC filming both the Grade 1 Qualifying Round and the Grade 1 Finals of the World Pipe Band Championships, selling DVDs, and this year live streaming worldwide, has greatly increased the exposure of all the Grade 1 bands.
    The numerous closeup shots of members of the various bands, the first year the BBC filmed "The Worlds", revealed many small problems in many of the bands' dress (mismatching cap badges, sporrans, flashes, neckties, etc) and in subsequent years all of the Grade 1 bands have gone to great lengths to have all their kit matched to perfection.
    Because of all the money involved and the worldwide exposure, top pipe bands nowadays DO put a lot of thought into such things as hose colour.

    2) by profession I'm an artist and I can't turn my "eye" on and off at will. I'm keenly aware of the way that hose colour affects the appearance of the kilt I'm wearing.

    3) as a working piper I'm aware that my appearance is an important part of what my customers are paying for when they hire me for their event. So just any colour won't do... I have to present an attractive overall "look".

  4. #34
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    OC RICHARD. Having spent some of my youth as a soldier, I well understand the need for bands' attire to match in the most strict sense, so I concede that as far as pipe bands go, that reach the dizzy heights of the World Championships, then everything has to be and must be spot on. I do notice though, that The Atholl Highlanders do have their very own slant on this! However, I was thinking more of the individual in everyday(night too) circumstances and that is where all this matching up carry-on is an unnecessary complication. Nevertheless,I do concede,again, that a piper who is being paid for his services and skill does owe it to himself and client to be as smart as he can.As I have not an ounce of artistic skill in my body,I just wear what I have and that has worked for me for the last six decades without too many calamities!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 7th December 09 at 08:52 AM.

  5. #35
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    Last edited by MacLowlife; 7th December 09 at 05:22 PM. Reason: oops
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

  6. #36
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    STILL having trouble getting a nice simple image into a post from Picasa. Sorry to waste space. Here is a link.


    What all is wrong here?
    well, white hose, wrong jackets, wrong tie FOR the wrong jacket, ANOTHER wrong jacket, and oh yes, trousers.

    But we had a good time

    In THIS pic, we see the aft end of a disreputable character who would never be mistaken for a Yankees fan:

    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

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