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  1. #21
    Join Date
    29th April 04
    Denver, Colorado USA
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    At least you are wearing the Kilt, better than not at all.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    I'm a bit anxious about crumpling the pleats, too. Ironing a kilt seems to be a major exercise, so the thing to do to minimize the work involved seems to be to wear trousers most of the time.

    I'd want it to feel special too, so I wouldn't wear a kilt very often.

    To those people who wear a kilt daily - how often do you need to iron it?

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by QMcK View Post

    To those people who wear a kilt daily - how often do you need to iron it?
    I've been wearing kilts for 3 years now on a daily basis, I've never had to iron them. The real trick is to purchase a good quality 16oz or heavier wool, they seem to hold pleats better than a lighter weight or P.V.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Welcome to the kilt board, as some comments on wearing of the kilt other than when piping turned ugly on the piping board, either way here will not.
    I wear a kilt every day. I change into jeans at work as trousers are required for safety reasons. (flying glass and shards of metal) I am a teacher in my house of worship to first and second grade students, and I am always kilted. Fryeburg is not all that far from Effingham, New Hampshire, where my nephew lives and I used to call home. I frequent the area kilted. I have been known to do the Fryeburg Fair kilted.
    I travel around Boston kilted all the time, and enough people have asked me where are the Bagpipes? that I have taken up learning them from a piper from Litchfield, Maine. I am having way to much fun with the pipes.

    Kilt on as you are comfortable. Every day is not practical if the science you teach is chemistry. Kilt + H2SO4 = unhappy Scot.


  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    I've been wearing kilts for 3 years now on a daily basis, I've never had to iron them. The real trick is to purchase a good quality 16oz or heavier wool, they seem to hold pleats better than a lighter weight or P.V.
    Wow. And you do need to iron trousers pretty often if you want to look neat. Not that I actually get around to ironing trousers. Well, I do once in a while.

    Kilt + H2SO4 = unhappy Scot.

  6. #26
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    You may be out of your league here but Jules Verne was out of 20,000 of them !

  7. #27
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    Keydetpiper, Are you still at VMI? My son just got his ring!
    I've survived DAMN near everything
    Acta non Verba

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Born in Glasgow, Scotland currently S.Yorkshire England UK and part time Gambia W Africa
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    Welcome to XMTS. I only wear my kilt on special occasions but have casual, day wear, smart casual and full dress items to go along with it. When I wear it it feels special and marks whatever occasion I am attending. I am not a piper or in a band but parading and playing is a special occasion so keep it up. I have a type of pouch (from ebay) that I wear in addition to my sporran on my main belt but at my side. This holds not only my mobile but a camera and wallet so I don't need pockets.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    I should mention a correction to my above post: In addition to wearing Highland dress to play pipes in, and also to occasional ordinary functions where a suit is expected, I also wear it to Scottish-themed concerts, say the US tour of a Scottish military pipe band, etc. In this I continue something our pipe band did regularly during the 1980's and 1990's, and that is attend these Scottish military tour concerts as a group in Highland dress.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Although not a daily wearer I will echo McMurdo's comment on the need for ironing and wearing the kilt. All mine are either 13 or 16 oz wool from quality mills, except for a rarely worn PV. With my gut, and sitting all day, I often get a few creases across the apron that might need steaming or a touch up ironing of the apron itself, but no matter how long I sit (up to 9 hours at work, 6-8 hours on long driving trips, etc...) I have yet to end up with pleats that needed anything more than either a layout on a bed for day or two or maybe hung in the bathroom while I shower to clear out the minor creases.

    Wear your kilt when and how you are comfortable doing so. No one will give you grief either way.

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