A good friend of mine (who is also active with the St. Andrew's Society of Baton Rouge) regularly attends their functions and always gives good reports.
Here's more of the photo's including the pics from the museum you ask for. By the way if the Mods wish please feel free to move this thread to the pic thread I didn't notice before I posted.
Here is one of the landing craft, the large one -
And the other, a personnel landing craft -
Being with the Sea Bees I had to get these shots. I know there are other Sea Bees around, if you want copies email me & I'll send you these & more -
A Blue Star flag. Not sure if it's original since I don't see the sort or wear or discoloring I would expect from a 60 year old piece of cloth, especially one that hung in a window -
Some of you may have noticed from another post I have a thing for flags. So some of the other pics I took have to deal with flags. Each one is of a flag followed by it's description.
Here are a couple more pics of our weekend in NOLA.
This is my wife drooling over a hand made hat shop. Her collection of hats is 50+ and this shop (we returned the next day) had some ones that just had her wishing for a winning lottery ticket.
Here is the closest we got to a Scottish place, it's Pat O'Brien's, home of the Hurricane.