A very cold day today by southern Scottish standards, -8c or +18f during the day.
I knew a few guys who wear thick ribbed tights with kilts in winter but this is not something I have tried. Today for the first time, I improvised a pair of tights by wearing my longest socks stretched up over the knees, pinned up above the knees to a pair of warm cotton trunks. I was concerned that the join between the socks and the trunks would show, so for extra modesty I wore a slightly longer kilt liner. I wore a matching cardigan over my tee shirt and sweatshirt and which protruded below the jacket to complete an overall multi layered look of browns and greys. So here I am walking into town, obviously wearing a padded jacket, over a wool cardigan, over a wool kilt, over a kilt liner, over what would look to the casual observer like woolly tights. The only comments I got were three or four "Are you not a bit cold wearing that". Maybe some people just don't get it, maybe they just say this as a pleasant conversation starter.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.