Apologies for such short notice on the reminder for this event, but
our event for Tartan Day commemorating the early Scottish settlers in
the Missouri Ozarks will be this Saturday, April 17, from 10 to 4 at
the Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site in Ash Grove.
Directions to Nathan Boone may be found here:


The society will have an information tent near the park visitor
center, and there will be educational programs on the
Scottish explorer and fur trader James Mackay, and on Scottish
influences on Ozarks culture. Our own Ozarkridgerunner will be playing
traditional Scots and Ozarks tunes on his dulcimer.

If anyone else is interested in helping out, please contact me
(clancomyn AT gmail DOT com) as soon as possible, and we'll fit you in -- we
particularly would like a piper or other musicians, but any
contribution would be great. If nothing else, come out and join us at
one of Greene County's best keep historical secrets!


Yours aye,
