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  1. #411
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    What's wrong with this picture..........
    Strange, all the earlier pictures came up automatically yet these two latest two from Tilted Kilt came up as red crosses which I had to right click before I could view the pics.

    Looks like a fun night had by all.

    Looking forward to seeing pics from the Houston games.
    Last edited by cessna152towser; 17th May 10 at 01:21 PM.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  2. #412
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    No pictures for me either. Oh well, I will pop back later and see what happens then. Yes! Here we go. I, er, well, am very impressed in how Mr J D, ever the gentleman, is "helping" that young lady to hold up that oh so heavy Saltire!
    I think he appears to be pretty impressed as well!

  3. #413
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    Thumbs up The Saltire in Texas V

    On May 15-16 the Saltire put in at the 39th Annual Houston Highland Games and Celtic Festival. More photos from the games here; http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...-2010-a-59355/

    Our own Jack Daw played host to the airship at the Clan MacIntyre tent.

    Organizing for some photos...

    We met a fairly new X Marker, WRJohnson, signing the log.

    Here we go;
    Max (triolamj), Steve (Jack Daw), Wade (wrjohnson), Niles (Copey713), Mark (Zardoz), Shaun (Shaun Maxwell). We had a couple of other members that were on hand but didn't make the photo, Trifin and Medic 78.

    And because some of my girls were shooting the pictures... a "pleat' shot

    I just want to say how proud I am to have hosted the Saltire in the Friendship State, and how much I enjoyed taking it and all of y'all on a little tour of some of the history of my beloved country of Texas. I really enjoyed reading all the log entries and thinking about the places she's seen. I have the orders, and she'll soon be on to the next port, and I look forward to the photos!

    Last edited by Zardoz; 18th May 10 at 10:39 AM.
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
    "If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"

  4. #414
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    Can't wait to see where she lands next.
    Greg Livingston
    Clan MacLea (Livingstone)

  5. #415
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    Missed these latest additions when they were posted. Cheers all

  6. #416
    Panache's Avatar
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    Thanks for showing the old girl Texas and treating her right


    Jamie :ootd:
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  7. #417
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    Thumbs up

    The Saltire was last seen by me heading West on Monday morning. Hopefully she'll be at the next port of call in a day or two.
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
    "If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"

  8. #418
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    Well danged if The Saltire didn't land in the canyonlands this afternoon - dragging a Houston Highland Games t-shirt in my size. Thank you sir.

    Headed over to the Page Fire Department open house this evening. Got a shot of my Firefighter Memorial Kilt with Ladder 1.

    The Saltire was hanging out back at my ride inspecting it auxillary method of transportation for a flight up to the San Juan Mountains of Colorado this weekend.

    Then the wee ship headed over to the public safety building for the open house - standing by in case the life flight helicopter needed some back up.

    So soon, some exploration of the canyonlands, a trip across the rezlands to the San Juans. Crew turned in at dusk to rest up for the journeys ahead.

    Oh, one firefighter at the open house - a young man named McClintock lit up at my kilt and said he had a McClintock tartan kilt. Gave him Rocky's card and explained the significance of the Firefighter's Memorial tartan. Amazing...another kiltie lurking in Page discovered. There is hope!
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  9. #419
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    After a long crazy day at work got a craving for pizza. The Saltire followed me as I drove across the reservation to Antelope Point Marina on the Colorado River channel of Lake Powell.

    The wee ship landed in my arms at the edge of the river.

    After such a long flight in the hot weather refueling the water supply was in order.

    Rehydrated the ship felt frisky and auditioned as a bow sprint

    Then she rested a while to recharge before the long flight up to the San Juan Mountains of Colorado tomorrow.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  10. #420
    She's a fair craft, the Saltire. Can't wait to see where you take her next, Riverkilt!

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