June Kilt Night
OK ROKS, it's time to plan a June kilt night or get together of some time. I'm open to just about anything, legal and family friendly that is. Heck, I'm even willing to have a cookout at our place....assuming that we can find a time that works for everyone AND Joyce is off. Pint's Pub would be a great place too. Let's get something worked out for as large a group as possble, or even multiple gatherings.
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
So far June 12 & 13 along with June 25 & 26 are presently open for me, but we must act fast.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
Weekend of the 12th/13th is the only weekend that's good for me. The weekend of the fifth, we're going to Bent's Fort for their 50th anniversary, Fathers Day weekend is Slocum Cabin Days and the last weekend of June is the Billings, Montana festival. So there you have it... I'm a busy beaver next month!
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.
June 12/13th it is. Now, are we going to have a bbq and everyone bring something or get together somewhere? I leave it to the ROKS rabble.
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
Drat...that is the one weekend I cannot make it ...but maybe I will get a pic and post it, since I'll be kilted at least once during that trip.
Well, as luck would have it, I won't be available this weekend. My sister and her family are in Estes and leaving the first part of next week so we will be up there.
Sorry guys.
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
10th June 10, 12:01 PM
My rather ill cousin is staying with me this week, so I can't make it either. Maybe Angus Mohr- if her sister gets here to pick her up on time. Here's hoping! (Not that I don't love my cousin to death- I just want to see Angus Mohr!!)
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.
15th June 10, 06:20 AM
I like the idea of "crashing" the Angus Mohr concert on Saturday. I would not be able to stay too late as I have to work the next day.
15th June 10, 07:33 PM
I'll be there!
And then I am going blues dancing.
Kilted, of course. 
It starts at 8, so no worries about early mornings.
15th June 10, 08:04 PM
Ok, we need to get a kilt night/afternoon or whatever set up soon. Anyone know of an inexpensive place or maybe somewhere we can bar-b-que? The sooner the better.
Also, I'm inviting everyone to stop by the Clan MacLea (Livingstone) tent at the Elizabeth, CO games the middle of next month. I'll be needing the divirsion once in a while
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
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