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  1. #1
    Join Date
    3rd March 10
    43*N 88*W
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    2010 Wisconsin Highland Games

    Last weekend I was lucky enough to free up enough time to strap on a kilt, get my little boy kilted up, and have the family spend a few hours at our state games.

    Providence had delivered a near perfect Highland morning's weather. Low 50's *f, gusting winds and partially overcast. The only thing we were missing was the thick mists. All of this was a HUGE departure from the rest of our summer, which was 90's and HUMID.

    My son and I just getting to the games

    I'm not exactly sure why my kilt appears to be so high, I assure you it lays right across the top of the kneecap. My tie also appears rather short in this pic... Must be the car ride. I know I look rather 'matchy'. I discovered that I don't own any ties with more than 2 colours on them- and nearly all are black, blue or grey. I think I need to invest in the "Jock Scot" ABF tie in short order.

    My wife and I drove separately, since my son tends to tire (as so many 4yr olds will) after a few hours, and I wanted to be able to hang about with any X-Markers I might stumble into.

    My little guy petting the Irish Wolf Hound at the dog tent.

    There were some WONDERFUL dogs on display, Labs, Deer Hounds, and others. The Wolf Hound is AMAZING. It's chest is bigger around than mine and it's head is near equine in size.

    My little man inspecting the re-enactors.

    We timed lunch as to see the Steel Bonnets (including our own WARPIPER) at the pub tent while we dined on Haggis (me), Pasties (wife), and chicken fingers (son).

    As always, the Steel Bonnets put on a great show, with many a good folk song and drinking song (insert Venn Diagram showing near total overlap here).

    A group of "metal heads", the Steel Bonnets' groupies. I'm glad I wasn't backstage after THIS show!

    Thank goodness the tent sheltered the "tartan conga line" from the breeze!

    Now, a few of the local 'characters'

    Some local barbarians inspecting the training weapons.

    A barbarian manning the leather armourer's tent. Note the period correct dungarees.

    It was about this time that my camera batteries died, so there are no pix of the various X-Markers I ran into; carlb, Mike (whose user name I cannot remember) and his nephew Dereck at the Clan Donnachaid tent (thanks to both Mike for his 'Highland Lemonades' and WARPIPER for the lovely dram of Bunnahabhain).

    Along the way I also ran into a few other locals I'd met at the Milwaukee Highland Games, which made for enjoyable chats.

    All in all, it was a wonderful afternoon. Hopefully Mike will get his pix developed and posted somewhere along the way, or beloitpiper will add some shots from Sunday (sorry I missed you).

    Even with it being mostly cloudy I managed to sear like a tuna in the sun, and ruined a near-antique pair of brogues. At least they went out in style

  2. #2
    Join Date
    7th July 09
    Melbourne,Victoria Australia
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    Great pics Artificer, looks like the family had a great day. Your son looks great in his kilt and sporran. Good to see another generation of kilt wearers in the making.

    In relation to the tie, I have found that modern ones are a bit wide if you are wearing them at the navel, I tend to shop for old style "skinny ties" and have found many in club colour themes. Also the old tweed ties tend to be in the skinner style.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Charleston, SC
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    Thanks for sharing the pictures. Your son looks very smart and it appears as if he was having a good time spending time with dad.... The tattersall shirt looked very nice as well.
    Clan Ogilvie; AF&AM/Scottish Rite/York Rite/Shriner; Charleston Scottish Society; Brotherhood of the Isle of Skye; Matt Newsome Kilt Owners Group

  4. #4
    Join Date
    24th July 07
    Spotsylvania, Virginia USA
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    Great pix, Artificer! It is great to see you passing on the heritage to your son. Thnaks for sharing with us.

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