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  1. #41
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob C. View Post
    That's the bottom line, right there. Ren Faires are costume parties, not history classes. As a side note, oh my, that girl is beautiful!
    Easy enough to say, Bob, but it's been my experience that few in the general public understand that distinction, and some in the ren faire community, either intentionally or accidently, imply that they are history classes.


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    OP, I think you'll be fine with your Black Watch.
    Hope ya had/have fun.

  3. #43
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    *I am returning this post; I had removed it because I thought it might have been out of line. I have also added a clarification note at the end.*

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    Easy enough to say, Bob, but it's been my experience that few in the general public understand that distinction, and some in the ren faire community, either intentionally or accidently, imply that they are history classes.

    While I agree that the claims of historical accuracy at Ren Fairs should be aggressively attacked at every turn, I also think a strong case could be made that Ren Fairs are an emerging American folk tradition and lore. I'm not sure they should be forced into becoming historically correct reenactments.

    A parallel example that comes to mind is Santa Clause in the red suit with Rudolph as a part of a Christmas tradition, as opposed to a depiction of Saint Nicholas, I have seen the two used as a springboard to discussing the history of Christmas traditions' evolutions.

    Perhaps someone should write an article that compares and contrasts some of the Ren-lore with Renaissance history that could be passed out at the events.

    * I probably misunderstood the intent toward Ren Fairs in this discussion. I think that has been cleared up in other posts. My only concern is with some of the folk art and performance texts, outside of historical accuracy and also not offensive, that I have come across at Ren fairs over the last twenty or so years.
    Last edited by Bugbear; 5th October 10 at 06:44 PM. Reason: Returning deleted post.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  4. #44
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    Around here the Scottish Ren Faire people I've talked to want to avoid any modern recognisable tartans. They go to ordinary fabric stores and buy plaid wool that has the overall look of tartan but is not any actual named tartan.

    This is historically accurate, as in the old days there was no concept of tartans having names or having any significance other than being decorative.

    So wearing the Black Watch tartan would be a no-no with these local guys.

    As people have pointed out, there's a wide spectrum of people at Ren Faires, ranging from organised groups which are very persnickety about their costume to people who just want to dress up and party and will show up wearing just about anything. The oddest, maybe, is the group of "cat girls" who silently prowl around wearing cat ears, tails, body paint, and little else.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob C. View Post
    That's the bottom line, right there. Ren Faires are costume parties, not history classes. As a side note, oh my, that girl is beautiful!
    That's the sad thing: they COULD be history lessons if done right. While some folks of course are; in my experience most spectators are not ignorant. The paying public would vastly more enjoy the chance to "time travel" to a realistically portrayed period, as opposed to shaking their heads in derision at the elves, Goths, anachronistic pirates, bizzare "highlanders", etc....

    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin

  6. #46
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woodsheal View Post
    That's the sad thing: they COULD be history lessons if done right. While some folks of course are; in my experience most spectators are not ignorant. The paying public would vastly more enjoy the chance to "time travel" to a realistically portrayed period, as opposed to shaking their heads in derision at the elves, Goths, anachronistic pirates, bizzare "highlanders", etc....
    Well said, Brian.


  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woodsheal View Post
    That's the sad thing: they COULD be history lessons if done right. While some folks of course are; in my experience most spectators are not ignorant. The paying public would vastly more enjoy the chance to "time travel" to a realistically portrayed period, as opposed to shaking their heads in derision at the elves, Goths, anachronistic pirates, bizzare "highlanders", etc....
    Sorry I removed my first post. I think that would be a very good idea, to have a demonstration by historians/reenactors to provide something like that. I had suggested someone might write an artical on the time period that could be handed out, pointing out what might be confused at the fair.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  8. #48
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    Sorry, guys...

    Sorry to disagree, but please consider these two rules which I have found to be nearly universal in any form of costume, reenactment, or similar activity:

    1) Sexy trumps accurate. Skanky probably trumps sexy, if you distinguish between the two.

    2) Even the best of intentions may bump up against economic reality. While it may sound acceptable in theory to say "If you can't be entirely accurate, don't start," you are going to discourage and eliminate only the conscientious people. This leaves the ones who don't care and the ones who care so much they don't have time or resources (Umm, including personalities?) for anything else.

    I do not wish to criticize anyone, but my experience is that the forgiving person is much better company than the exacting one. If we were mountain climbing, or maybe flying, I'd prefer to depend on the exacting one, but if we are talking about recre-bleeding-ation, if you please, I much prefer a little generosity of spirit in my companions. Especially if there is to be either alcohol or even partial nudity.

    So, yes, please, let's have accuracy and specificity amongst the teachers and professionals, but for those who are going to be casting stones, I want a signed ( in appropriate-technology ink and lettering style, on either hide or contemporaneous paper) certificate verifying that the said stone conforms with all appropriate standards of size, shape, mineral content and any other criteria of availability. And I want it notarized.
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

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    PS, which draws more people, a history lecture or a ( woefully misleading, inaccurate, anachronistic, even stupid) movie? Or, if you insist, when is the last time you saw guys huddling around with dollar bills trying to catch the eye of a woman talking about medieval textiles?
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

  10. #50
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    PS, which draws more people, a history lecture or a ( woefully misleading, inaccurate, anachronistic, even stupid) movie? Or, if you insist, when is the last time you saw guys huddling around with dollar bills trying to catch the eye of a woman talking about medieval textiles?
    Again, easy to say, but I'll gladly turn my lectern over to you at any time if you feel you can do better. I've heard this chestnut ad nauseum, but the simple fact remains that history, if done right as a lecture or a movie can be entertaining AND largely accurate.

    I spent a decade in NPS trying my best to be as accurate as possible, as part of my responsibility to tell the story of "my" battlefield and the 537 Americans who died there. Sorry if you think I'm "throwing stones", but those men had no voices.


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