I have just left my beloved Hawaiian Islands for the third time. We are being stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland for this tour. To ease the pain my lovely wife had me purchase a 5 yard box pleated by Matt in Morrison Green Weathered. I ordered this in June so now that I am in temp quarters, it should not be too much longer. I did finish one jones on the move, I had asked our very own VMac3205 to make me an Inverness Cape. She sent it to my Daughter so I could pick it up on the way to APG. It is very nice, Black with a dark Army green lining- round pewter buttons. I can not post pics until my household goods arrive. The only good news about moving is being able to see my Granddaughter and children more often, getting these jones out of the way and meeting some new people. I might even make the Alexandria Christmas Walk this year ( Although I am already freezing, I should get used to the colder weather by the time I move again.)