While in Anstruther on the north side of the Firth of Forth last year, I stopped into the East Neuk Bookstore for reading suggestions in Scottish Literature. I wanted to talk a bit about one of those books, Gilian the Dreamer by Neil Munro (1899).
The book is in a category of its own, unlike any I've encountered. Munro is a master of writing and language, of Highland imagery and moody description. His every chapter is like a poem focussed on the chapter's title, moves slowly and musically as if fated to be unveiled. Expect many words and references that are no longer known to us in America and do not expect robust action (it isn't that sort of book), and yet it is a superbly lovely and tragic book. Highly recommended.
Anstruther itself is one of those wonderful Scottish fishing ports and is also recommended as a place to visit between St. Andrews and Edinburgh. Take time to go by boat to the Isle of May; puffins can be seen in the summer. If you do, send me a picture, as I missed it!
Feel free to add to this thread small reviews of any Scottish Literature you've enjoyed.