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  1. #1
    Join Date
    14th April 10
    Atlanta, GA
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    Stewart's "The Setts of the Scottish Tartans"

    I am looking to buy a copy of D. C. Stewart’s "The Setts of the Scottish Tartans" to add to my library. In searching, I have seen there is a first edition printed in 1950 and a second edition printed in 1974 (and there may be other versions?).

    Is one more desirable than the other? What makes these editions different?

    Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    18th October 09
    Orange County California
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    I have the 1977 reprint of the 1974 edition.

    In it there is the following:


    ...The exhaustion a few years ago of the first edition of this work, and the calls of a worldwide readership for a second edition, led the author to undertake a thorough revision of the first. The general format remains much as it was, with no alterations made just for the sake of change but only where further thought and information seemed to call for it. The assembly of the colour plates in a section by themselves is intended to make reference from the text easier, since the former scattering of the plates made the required one more troublesome to find, for they rarely coincided with the related text...

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