15th January 11, 01:22 AM
Tucson shootings
I've spent the last week straight working 22 hour days, reporting on the shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords and 18 others last Saturday.
Six people died, and Gabby remains in critical condition, although she's making such progress that one of her doctors told me we should acknowledge that miracles occur.
Our kiltedfirepiper has piped at some of the funerals.
I don't write many opinion pieces, but I worked off a bit of steam Friday afternoon. Thought some of you might be interested....
Be safe, all.
- The Beertigger
"The only one, since 1969."
15th January 11, 02:43 AM
A very interesting read. Thank you very much for sharing.
15th January 11, 03:01 AM
Really touched home with me too bro. I was born and raised in tucson, had friends who were first responder EMTs, went to mountain view when laughner did, and lived like a mile away. I can say that the media in general has really been petty about the whole issue. It's a trajedy, don't spin it any other way. Thanks for the reporting. God bless all of you guys and gals!
[-[COLOR="DimGray"]Floreat Majestas[/COLOR]-|-[COLOR="Red"]Semper Vigilans[/COLOR]-|-[COLOR="Navy"]Aut Pax Aut Bellum[/COLOR]-|-[I][B]Go mbeannai Dia duit[/B][/I]-]
[COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="2"]"I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]- John Calvin[/B]
15th January 11, 03:33 AM
Thank you for sharing.
Not having been there, I cannot even begin to imagine the horror of such an act. The aftermath through which the families and the community of the slain and wounded must now live is beyond any words of mine.
I pray peace to the slain, and healing to those who are wounded in body and in spirit.
As to the national media, I simply offer the words of Abraham Lincoln:
"In times such as these, men should utter nothing for which they would not be willingly held responsible in time and in eternity."
15th January 11, 11:04 AM
Good on you for voicing your opinion as someone who is ACTUALLY in Tuscon.
The Barry
"Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis;
voca me cum benedictis." -"Dies Irae" (Day of Wrath)
15th January 11, 11:06 AM
Very powerful words. Thank you for giving us an inside look, as it were.
"You'll find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." -Obi Wan Kenobi
15th January 11, 12:01 PM
From one who sees sadness and tragedy and strife on a nearly daily basis, all I can say is,
"Well spoken, friend."
15th January 11, 12:37 PM
Well said Dylan, well said.
Ferret ad astra virtus
15th January 11, 02:01 PM
As a long-time (nearly 20 years) Tucson resident, married to someone born and raised in Tucson, I don't need John Stewart or Brit Hume telling me how odd the memorial was. I watched it myself, and through the whole thing, I kept telling myself it was odd!
The "rock concert" atmosphere, in my opinion was inappropriate. The tribal blessing was out of place. Selling T-shirts at a memorial??? Really??? I'm actually a bit embarrassed by the whole thing.
Regardless, the events last Saturday were horrible. The losses of life, terrible. The injured, and all of those that were there will have to bear those physical and emotional scars the rest of their lives. The memories will last in our minds for a very long time. And, that is sad.
15th January 11, 03:11 PM
I wasn't at the event, but I find the remarks by the media commentators to be the thing that is odd, not the appearances or remarks at the memorial in Tucson. Where do they get off criticizing the seating arrangements, the mood of the Tucson crowd, or the crowd's desire to recognize those in their community who came together in response to the tragedy? That is perhaps the height of arrogance and presumption. Unbelievable--petty and unprofessional.
"Before two notes of the theme were played, Colin knew it was Patrick Mor MacCrimmon's 'Lament for the Children'...Sad seven times--ah, Patrick MacCrimmon of the seven dead sons....'It's a hard tune, that', said old Angus. Hard on the piper; hard on them all; hard on the world." Butcher's Broom, by Neil Gunn, 1994 Walker & Co, NY, p. 397-8.
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