5th January 11, 09:24 PM
I was speaking to a man wearing a mess jacket (with pants) on New Years Eve. He is active with the American Legion and often wears it with medals, when appropriate. It did not have military buttons, and he said that he bought it quite reasonably from a formal wear rental shop.
6th January 11, 12:43 PM
 Originally Posted by Lyle1
I was speaking to a man wearing a mess jacket (with pants) on New Years Eve. He is active with the American Legion and often wears it with medals, when appropriate. It did not have military buttons, and he said that he bought it quite reasonably from a formal wear rental shop.
If buying from a formal wear rental shop, try on the jacket with your kilt to make certain that there is no gap on either the side or across the back of the jacket when sitting as well as standing.
6th January 11, 01:12 PM
 Originally Posted by rondo
I think it looks good. Formal enough for sure...in the same league as the PC but a different cut... so as to be unique. I'm pretty sure I'm going to try one of these if I can get one large enough. After all, I'm not that 24 year old Machinist Mate anymore... 
Hey Snipe! 
I think it will look great and still have a bit of a harken to the Navy. Good choice! I'd change the buttons out though ;)
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15th January 11, 12:04 PM
Mess jacket with Trews
Notwithstanding all the advice you've had about removing insignia from your Navy mess jacket, you might consider trews as an option. Trews (tartan pants) were worn by officers I believe because they were more practical for riding in. (If I'm wrong here I'm sure an avalanche of corrections will follow)
If your mess jacket is white - and you have white in your tartan - it would look amazing.
I haven't seen trews mentioned in discussion threads yet but they would work, where a kilt might not look quite right with a mess jacket.
15th January 11, 01:17 PM
I've just ordered a mess jacket from Mckenzie Frain. Rifle green, plain buttons. Find the style an interesting and valid alternative to "Prince Charlie" jacket. 40 years since I was in army. To those who opine that civilians ought not to wear military styling...Are all civilian pipe bands wrongly dressed?
16th January 11, 08:16 AM
 Originally Posted by Detroitpete
 Originally Posted by rondo
I think it looks good. Formal enough for sure...in the same league as the PC but a different cut... so as to be unique. I'm pretty sure I'm going to try one of these if I can get one large enough. After all, I'm not that 24 year old Machinist Mate anymore... 
Hey Snipe!
I think it will look great and still have a bit of a harken to the Navy. Good choice! I'd change the buttons out though ;)
Whach that snipe thing there. He might be a fresh air type, A-Gangers!!
I was a pit snipe the first time around. Got smart and came back as a twigget, an ET.
Back on topic though.
If you go with a mess dress get to a uniform shop and try them on. They run REALLY small for the sizing. Sometimes 2 or 3 sizes.
16th January 11, 09:10 AM
nope...snipe is accurate
I was a Nuclear machinist's mate...4 years in subs.
16th January 11, 09:23 AM
 Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown
My late father preferred a black mess jacket over the more traditional styles of Highland evening jackets. As long as there are no military buttons or rank insignia of any kind, it is a perfectly acceptable alternative to a PC, etc. Because of their cut they need to be worn with a 3-button waistcoat. While black is the traditional colour, either red or rifle green also work well with a mess jacket and kilt. The cummerbund is to be avoided at all costs.
I'm in total agreement with MoR. Since you're planning to replace the buttons you could perhaps find some with a nautical theme to them, such as an anchor or ship.
Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
Adjutant, 1745 Appin Stewart Regiment
Scottish-American Military Society
US Marine (1970-1999)
16th January 11, 09:43 AM
 Originally Posted by rondo
I was a Nuclear machinist's mate...4 years in subs.
Nuc waste for me and for that spent 5 years in an AOE engine room 
16th January 11, 10:16 AM
I am assuming you do NOT plan to wear that cummberbun (aka "crumb catcher")...
I think it will look nice like others have said, but mine was a bit small. I was lucky enough to be at the uniform shop so I could try on several sizes. If you haven't already ordered it, you might consider a size or two larger then take it to a tailor for a fitting. WIth the extra size, they will be able to tailor it perfectly. I'm not sure, but it might help to have the tailor fit you while you wear your kilt.
When all done, please post some pictures. I'd love to see the finished product and outfit!
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