26th January 11, 09:45 AM
Birth of a Pipe Band
Last night was the first meeting of the newly formed Seattle Police Pipes and Drums. When I say this is a new band, I mean it is a new band. We are starting from absolute scratch. We do have an instructor on board and plans for fundraising events are all ready underway. The goal is to have the band ready to march in the city’s 2012 St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
When the notice of forming this band went out, I was expecting maybe about a half dozen officers to show up, so I arrived with a bit of skepticism. I was pleasantly surprised to see about two dozen there. And we were told that there were about 30 or 40 more that were coming to a second informational meeting later this week!
I think this has the potential to be a pretty big thing for our department, and the thought of getting in at the ground floor and having a hand in its founding is pretty exciting.
So now I find myself “jonesing” for our first rehearsal….
26th January 11, 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Streetcar
I think this has the potential to be a pretty big thing for our department, and the thought of getting in at the ground floor and having a hand in its founding is pretty exciting.
That IS exciting! Congratulations on your new band and all the best as it moves forward. What instrument are you playing?
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
26th January 11, 11:29 AM
I'll statrt the the fund raising 1 xl t-shirt here
good luck
26th January 11, 11:31 AM
Do you have anybody who can already play, or is everyone a beginner?
When given a choice, most people will choose.
26th January 11, 11:38 AM
Congratulations...It will be a lot of hard work on everyones part but playing in your first parade will be the rush of a lifetime!!!!
26th January 11, 12:20 PM
Who's going to be your drumming and piping instructor?
The Barry
"Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis;
voca me cum benedictis." -"Dies Irae" (Day of Wrath)
26th January 11, 12:26 PM
Neil Hubbard has agreed to train us on bagpipes. I don't know who's picking up the drumming. Quite frankly, since I want to train on the pipes, I didn't pay much attention to who was teaching drumming...
As far as I know, we are all complete beginners, so this will be an interesting experience to say the least.
And Medic78, I appreciate the fundraising comment! I'll see if there's a way I can keep in in the loop of such efforts without violating the forum rules.
26th January 11, 12:31 PM
That's awesome! Hopefully you guys will be able to march soon
The Barry
"Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis;
voca me cum benedictis." -"Dies Irae" (Day of Wrath)
26th January 11, 12:37 PM
Put me down for a shirt as well.....
26th January 11, 12:38 PM
Very cool.
Best of luck! It's been my experience in my 8 years with the Louisville Pipe Band that roughly half of the new adult piping students will drop out within the first 5 weeks. (The band offers free lessons to anyone wanting to learn. The only fee is for the practice chanter and instruction book.) Adults just have a lot going on in their lives, and sticking to a practice routine is difficult if they're not committed to learning. We've had 8-week beginners classes that start with 20 people finish the course with just 3. Of those, 2 went on to get a set of pipes and learn to blow a tune on them. One stayed on to join the band.
For those that are really serious about wanting to learn, I would suggest finding private tuition in addition to whatever group lessons take place. Laying out a modest fee for instruction tends to improve the retention rate, plus you get personal, immediate feedback from your instructor.
Again, best of luck!
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