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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dall_Piobaire View Post
    .... and what, pray tell, is so bad about being labeled a piper
    Nothing at all, if you're actually a piper (I am). It's my understanding, though, that non-pipers (esp. drummers) get awfully annoyed at the question: "Where're your pipes?"

    I carefully avoid the "pipe band uniform" look when I'm wearing my kilt and not piping.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by EagleJCS View Post
    Nothing at all, if you're actually a piper (I am). It's my understanding, though, that non-pipers (esp. drummers) get awfully annoyed at the question: "Where're your pipes?"

    I carefully avoid the "pipe band uniform" look when I'm wearing my kilt and not piping.
    *** I really like the idea of going with the black sweater. Great look, super comfortable, just like the kilt.
    The Barry

    "Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis;
    voca me cum benedictis." -"Dies Irae" (Day of Wrath)

  3. #23
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    Alright, this has gone on long enough.

    There's no reason that any kilt wearer should feel that he can only wear a solid-colored tie. Flowers, stripes, paisleys, and other patterns work perfectly well with the kilt, especially with a white shirt.

    Just make sure your shoes look good, and chances are that the rest of the kit will look good, too.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  4. #24
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    Check your local Target store...I got a Black Watch necktie at mine a few months ago.



  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    A light blue shirt is not going to create a bit of distance, INMHO.

    I am not generally way out there with colors. For instnace, even though i can't afford it righ now, I Couldn't bring myself to do the vest in my family tartan, but, I am no lemming either. A white shirt, where decorum calls for it okay, but otherwise i like to try and combine the lesser colors in the tartan with hose and shirt color. For instance a dark blue shirt, with a tartan red tie, maybe with a gold or silver dag stripe, Navy hose, red garters, black vest.

    In the end the only thing I will never wear are white hose, but I say wear what you think you look good in, then the air of confidence you project will have you in good stead.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    I'm not much on white shirts; in fact, I generally only wear them for funerals and what not. There are so many reasonably priced shirts available today (The Stafford line at JC Penny comes to mind) that a well-dressed gentleman should not limit himself to white shirts. For me, a light blue shirt is my white shirt.

    Because I have to dress in a conservative suit with a white, 100% cotton, pinpoint oxford shirt for work, I refuse to wear such a shirt with the kilt for casual wear. I'll wear any of the following: an off-white, one of three tattersalls, a gingham, or a bluish chambrey. A wedding or a funeral would be an exception.

  7. #27
    Danaidh is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Yes, a lot depends on the dress code for where you work. I work with a bunch of bikers, so the women go ape-sh*t over me, the men think me a freak (hence I go in a kilt as often as possible). I wear polo shirts, sweaters, business button-up shirts, but no ties, so I guess I'm pretty casual. The belt is purely for looks and is used (or not) to accent the entire outfit. One of my duties is working the I.T. Helpdesk, which on occasion, requires I crawl under a desk to undo a computer for troubleshooting. You know, it is important to look good at work, but it's my experience that women don't care so much as to what's above the belt line as they are curious as to what's underneath.

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