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  1. #11
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    The three things I've noticed about my Stillwater standard, compared to my wool kilt:

    • In cold weather, it's not as warm.
    • In hot weather, it's not as cool.
    • Over time, it has started to look unkempt, and no amount of cleaning, pill-shaving and pressing has made it look as good as my wool kilt.

    My next kilt will be wool, or I may try PV, but I will not buy another acrylic kilt again.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iain Robb View Post
    The three things I've noticed about my Stillwater standard, compared to my wool kilt:

    • In cold weather, it's not as warm.
    • In hot weather, it's not as cool.
    • Over time, it has started to look unkempt, and no amount of cleaning, pill-shaving and pressing has made it look as good as my wool kilt.

    My next kilt will be wool, or I may try PV, but I will not buy another acrylic kilt again.
    Can you elaborate on the "In hot weather, it's not as cool" comment? Considering you live in Central FL, I imagine you have considerable experience in this and it is one of my main concerns. I was under the impression that the acrylic would be better for warm weather.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdarwin View Post
    Can you elaborate on the "In hot weather, it's not as cool" comment? Considering you live in Central FL, I imagine you have considerable experience in this and it is one of my main concerns. I was under the impression that the acrylic would be better for warm weather.
    I've noticed that acrylic does not "breathe" as well as wool, which is probably why it seems warmer than wool in the heat and humidity.
    Geoff Withnell

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  4. #14
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    I think a lot of it depends on the over all climate. I have worn acrylic kilts in Arizona and California, both in the triple digits, and felt much more comfortable in the dry climates, as opposed to wearing it daily here in east texas, as well as the times i have worn it in Florida, and Virginia.

    so from my anecdotal experience, wearing acrylic in dryer climates seems to be preferable to more humid climes.

  5. #15
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    I am no expert. Until very recently I was not even aware of the whole world of casual and alternative kilts. I have owned a couple of "TANKS" over my 50+ years of kilt wearing. When I first discovered this site about 3 months ago I was gob smacked by what was available. I purchased a SWK about a month ago and have worn it pretty well all the time I have been relaxed at home since. It came very quickly, and efficiently, to Canada and when I first opened it I was amazed at the amount of stitching and the quality for the price. However, after only a month I can see the piling of the fabric and breakdown of pleats that a wool kilt would not show for many years.

    On the other hand, I have had a lot of pleasure from the SWK for little more than I have paid many times in the past for long forgotten and long disposed of pairs of jeans.

    Price/Value is a complicated and personal decision but I can tell you I have no regrets with my SWK purchase.
    Last edited by Singlemalt; 20th April 11 at 03:02 AM.

  6. #16
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    Worried about pilling

    I think the pilling issue worries me the most. I need something that is machine washable as I plan to wear it regularly to work and about town. For just a bit more it seems I can get an USAK casual in the P/V fabric which I've heard is less susceptible to the pilling issue than is the acrylic.

  7. #17
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    I would say go for it. I don't own one, but I was about to buy one from reading threads like this one here. I found a five yard wool that fit in the for sale section just before I pulled the trigger.

    At this price point if someone splashes chlorine laden pool water on it you won't have a cow. You can wear it to all kinds of places you don't want to wear your "good" kilt, but still be kilted. Washing the car springs to mind as a potentially common activity in Florida that might be dramatically more pleasant kilted.


  8. #18
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    Sorry for the delay responding, but it's pretty much as has been said: Acrylic kilts are warmer in hot weather than wool because they do not breathe.

    I would say that from my personal experience, that is certainly more of an issue when it is humid, but it's still an issue even when it is not humid. The first time I ever had to change out of a kilt because it was too hot was in some hot, dry North Carolina mountains. That was a Stillwater Standard. I actually found shorts more comfortable, heat-wise.

  9. #19
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    I am an owner of two SWK standards. If I ever buy another SWK kilt, it will be the heavyweight, as that price for a wool kilt simply cannot be beat. There is pretty much a huge chance I'll never buy another acrylic.

    I have a 8-yard PV on it's way from SHO. Not buying a "tank" until my weight stabilizes, which should be in about 6-8 months or so.

  10. #20
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    Based on everyone's very informative responses, I think I'm going to order one of the SWK heavyweight wools for now. This should hold me over and suppress the jones until I receive the two from Rocky. I think I'll stay away from acrylic kilts given my location and intended use. I will, however start looking more at the different kilt makers using this magical P/V material.

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