22nd April 11, 09:55 AM
Thank you everyone for their comments and advice! I have to say, I hadn't expected to start such a furious debate with my first post.
Wally, thanks for the tip on the Rob Roy...definitely bore fruit!
Piper, thanks for the post on ways to wear a great kilt and the advice on simply making my own...I think that's the route I'll try for, first, instead of spending a bunch of money at a vendor.
Most of the Ren Faire type events I attend are part of the SCA...which as someone mentioned earlier, IS a little more stringent on period-dress. There aren't official dress codes...but you get a lot more sniffs and looks from people down their noses if you're blatantly non-period. I don't particularly care for those looks, even if I DO look great in a phillabeg (don't we all?)
More than avoiding the fashion police though, a lot of the outdoor events I attend have a high temperature difference between day and night (Pennsic in Pennsylvania is as high as 95 during the day and literally freezing at night). A great kilt will let the breeze in during the day and stil let me curl up with a lady friend at night without giving me pneumonia. I've been miserable in just a phillabeg before at some events...especially when they get rained out, and wearing a cloak over a kilt just seems sad to me...I don't want to hide a kilt if I'm wearing it!
Again, thank you all for your helpful comments! I'll be on the lookout for some tartan fabric now, and I'll let you know how it turns out once I get it together!
Out of curiousity, does anyone know where a pattern or guide might exist for having a belt or drawstring on the inside to make pleating faster? I believe Piper mentioned that one. Looking period is all well and good, but I'm all for cutting 75% of dress time off of an outfit for an event. Thanks again everyone!
22nd April 11, 12:54 PM
Draw string kilts ARE period correct.....
22nd April 11, 01:26 PM
I would personally say to avoid trying the drawstring trick, but that's just based on my own experience; I've heard other folks say that they like it. I found that it was much more trouble than it was worth.
If you want to be able to put it on in under two minutes+-, learn to put it on while standing up. With practice, it's quick, easy, looks good, doesn't require very much room, and is probably much more period correct that laying the thing out on the ground.
If you do want to try the drawstring, just skip the first and last couple feet of your plaid and install either a large or very tiny belt loop (depending on wether you want to use your kilt belt or a drawstring) at the correct distance from the selvage. Place those, probably, every two repeats of the sett. Viola.
22nd April 11, 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Ryan Ross
If you want to be able to put it on in under two minutes+-, learn to put it on while standing up. With practice, it's quick, easy, looks good, doesn't require very much room, and is probably much more period correct that laying the thing out on the ground.
Yup. See the written description in post #45 on this page.
"It's all the same to me, war or peace,
I'm killed in the war or hung during peace."
23rd April 11, 05:28 AM
I've used the "stand and pleat" method in the past, and it works well. It does require practice to make it easy and efficient. In fact, I'm going to be teaching it to my oldest grandson this weekend. My experience has been that the drawstring method is slightly easier, and requires less overhead space (think wedge tent).
All skill and effort is to no avail when an angel pees down your drones.
23rd April 11, 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by David.Nolan
Thank you everyone for their comments and advice! I have to say, I hadn't expected to start such a furious debate with my first post.
Wally, thanks for the tip on the Rob Roy...definitely bore fruit!
Glad to have been of assistance. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Santa Wally
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C.W. Howard Santa School Alumni
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