10th July 11, 07:16 PM
site seeing day
today didn't run as smoothly as i had planned  but it turns out when you know people things really do work out WELCOME and i couldn't pass up a [pix of me in my new USA kilts t-shirt with the flag blowing full more to come
10th July 11, 07:58 PM
midday day two
On the south shore of The Great Salt lake is this building called Saltair.. given the nature of this forum i thought it a good place for the scarf to see
i wont go into the history behind this building but for those interested here is a link (i already read it and Wikipedia is right on this one) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saltair,_Utah and here is a link for pixs and history from 1893 to 1970. http://historytogo.utah.gov/utah_cha...bit/index.html
over looking the Great Salt lake
if you look close there is a few sailboat's on the horizon
10th July 11, 08:13 PM
from there we travailed 30 miles back south along the oquirrh mountains to the copper mine
when we got up to the mine, a storm was coming in fast and the wind gust's around 35 to 40 mph at the top edge of the mine, so the pix is not
that good
as there were familys there and i was more worred over my kilt blowing up ( mooned a family of 5 getting off the tour bus....... sorry if your a member here )
but my wife did get some other pix of the mine
those black dots you see midway up the pix, are the very large haul trucks, hauling stuff out of the mine. to give some perspective, here is a pic of my kids next
to one of the tire's those trucks use
Last edited by R.S.L. Kiltwearer; 10th July 11 at 08:34 PM.
10th July 11, 08:38 PM
Great Pics...
Thanks for all of the pics and included narrative, really enjoyed these.
I guess Monday it's back to work so you can get some rest.
10th July 11, 08:39 PM
thank you
thank you for letting me participate in this. My family and i have not had a good fun two days like this in a long time and really needed it.
Again thank you.
I am waiting on the PM with the address of the next recipient, and will have the scarf in the post as soon as i get it
10th July 11, 08:42 PM
 Originally Posted by seanachie
Thanks for all of the pics and included narrative, really enjoyed these.
I guess Monday it's back to work so you can get some rest. 
well i still need to post a thread about the Scottish Festival, but i think i'll wait till tomorrow for that as i still have 200 pic's to sort out!
10th July 11, 09:22 PM
A hearty "WELL DONE" RSL!! You really have been busy!! A lot of great photos. Thanks for all the effort and your prompt turnaround to the next recipient!!
Best regards,
PS. Nice tartan there pard!
10th July 11, 09:34 PM
 Originally Posted by MacMillan's son
PS. Nice tartan there pard! 
you will be glad to know, that at the festival Saturday i got alot a complements on it.
10th July 11, 11:45 PM
RSL ... WOW! What a fantastic set of pics. They brill.
Thankyou and your family. Thats great that you had a fun chill out time with the scarf.
And thanks again for moving the scarf on swiftly to the next mystery xmts member.
I had no idea that the scarfs adventures would be captured the way in which is has so far by everybody. Truely awesome.
Iechyd Da
A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer
11th July 11, 07:42 AM
Very welcome Derek. glad we could help
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