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26th September 05
Maple Falls, Washington. USA
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Making your own?
Just a question, but has any one made their own kilt? I have a kilt that I bought two and a half years ago from Sport Kilts, have been looking around for another but my limited finances preclude purchasing one at this time. So I am considering the idea of making one for myself. Any ideas and/or suggestions would be welcome.
There will be plenty of responses on kiltmaking from various of the membership, here. Some are professionals doing it full time, others are what some might call "hobbyists" who are at the beginning stages of constructing their own out of various types of material, and numerous others in between.
I've made several kilts. If you want to try making a traditional I recommend getting Barbs book The Art of Kiltmaking from www.celticdragonpress.com . As for fabric check around fabric stores in your area for inexpensive fabrics and sales. Twills are best but plenty of others will work. You should be able to find wool blends at a reasonable price about now.