Man, you'd make one crazy looking highlander, screaming down out of the woods.
Your poor son, being embarrassed like that, simply love it! What a great fun loving set of photos.
Glen McGuire A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
I just ran across your pics searching for Arizonans to recruit for next Friday's kilt night in Sierra Vista. Great pictures. O'Neille
Looks excellent. Lovely bride you have there, and the kid is really a chip off the black, eh?
Nice Family--get your son into a kilt-Convince him of all the years of fun ahead of him kilted
excellent piccies Reid Mon! guid oan ya.... get that lad in a kilt! slainte
Is that your natural hair color? WOW....THAT IS JUST SO RED !!!! Sorry.....I just couldn't resist saying that..... Phil
It's always nice to put a face to a member .
All the Best.....David. Why be part of the crowd Choose a Freelander Sporran A Member of the Caledonian Society of Norway My Photo Gallery Flickr
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