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Thread: Rugby fans?

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Cossack
    When I compare American football with rugby, I want to weep for what has been lost.
    You weep? My co-workers refuse to believe that rugby is rougher on the body and as a sport in general than American football...

  2. #12
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    I am mostly involved on the football matters (soccer for you, yanks :rolleyes: ), but I have always liked to see some matches of the Six Nations competition, or some of the world cup when possible. Last game I saw was Scotland vs. England, but don't ask me for the result, because we were looking at it on an Irish Pub, also celebrating a victory of Celtic FC against Rangers, and at that time my memory losses definition!

    By the way, I keep as a treasure my All Blacks jersey since 1992, and as if it was a good kilt,... it resists pass of time perfectly!


    T O N O

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valencian Kilted
    I am mostly involved on the football matters (soccer for you, yanks :rolleyes: ), but I have always liked to see some matches of the Six Nations competition, or some of the world cup when possible. Last game I saw was Scotland vs. England, but don't ask me for the result, because we were looking at it on an Irish Pub, also celebrating a victory of Celtic FC against Rangers, and at that time my memory losses definition!

    By the way, I keep as a treasure my All Blacks jersey since 1992, and as if it was a good kilt,... it resists pass of time perfectly!


    T O N O
    LOL....18-12, Scotland over England if I am not mistaken.....

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Ever since I watched an Ireland vs Canada game on TV a few years back, I have been hooked. I don't get to see too many games, but it is a great sport. It sure does make the over paid, over padded, over whistled, and over covered North American games seem like a waste of time.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin
    Ever since I watched an Ireland vs Canada game on TV a few years back, I have been hooked. I don't get to see too many games, but it is a great sport. It sure does make the over paid, over padded, over whistled, and over covered North American games seem like a waste of time.
    It's more physically tiring than football where you run for 5-10 seconds and then huddle up for 20...rugby is just nonstop running until you hear the whistle blow. The only part that I hate is as a prop when you get scrum after scrum after scrum. We had one match when I was playing tight head prop where it seemed that every other play phase we would wind up with a scrum. My legs were screaming sore at the end of the day....

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