The wee lad in the band (playing what looks like a tambourine)-- is that a greatkilt he's wearing?
The wee lad is playing a wee Bodhrán (Bow-ron), a hand drum widely used in Celtic music. As for what he's wearing, it'll be a great kilt when they both grow up. And I'd have to agree with you on the Rogues, they're a great band!
Thanks for the great pics, PaulX608. Looks like a grand time. My wife would love an outfit like the one your wife wore. As for the "squire of the wire," boy, the things people will do to get a drink!
Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
"I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused." - Declan MacManus
Member of the Clan Donnachaidh Society
OK for all of you wondering about my wife's outfit and pin, she's provided me with this info:
This is the url for the seller's store where I ordered my dress for the festival. She seems to only have one outfit right now, but she adds them all the time in different colors and fabrics.
This is the url for the online shop where I purchased the brooch. The brooch is no longer pictured. It could be because when I purchased it there were only two left. One in silvertone and one in goldtone. She said that she could no longer get them and she may have the goldtone one still available but just not shown. Couldn't hurt to call and ask if you are interested in it. It was made by Carrick and came in a blue pouch. I believe it was around $65.