Sounds like a great deal. I still encourage you to go ahead and get the formal education in the future. Sometimes people want to see that piece of paper.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
<fatherly advice on> I agree with Davedove -- you should get the piece of paper at some point. </ fatherly advice off>
That said, this gives you a very valuable base of experience to draw from, as well as building a financial base. Of course, a KEY reason for the financial base it to finance your kilt addiction!!!
Besides, there's always the chance that if you do a really good job, the boss will help with the school expenses!
Great way to go! Maybe after your apprenticeship, you can go back and take some business classes, so maybe you can run your own funeral parlor.
I almost did that, went to a mortary school.. a good friend did and now practices in Japan. Another school mate a few years younger now has his own parlor.
Best of Luck!!
on the one hand
I am a [B]perfectly ordinary[/B] human being
on the other
I am a [B]kilt-wearing karaoke king[/B]
with a passion for kiwis