Quote Originally Posted by Arizona Scot View Post
Dtrain what you have described is exactly what me and a few friends have started doing. Using the instructions in the practice equipment thread I built my own throwing implements, then the next step was to learn as much as possible on the internet. Then I started to practice at a local park, just me at first then some of my buddies from the local kilt club started to come too. We now meet every Monday and Thursday and have even found a local athlete that competes at the A level to give us some pointers. The only thing stopping you is you. Look up nasgaweb.com and also try kiltedthrower.com and ryanvierra.com these will give some idea of what is out there. Also try googling highland competitions for your state then contact them to see if anyone in your area is practicing or giving lessons. The one thing that I have learned about this sport is that almost everyone seems to be more than willing to help a newbie out, the comradirie is unbelievable. Good luck
Word. Well said. I second that. Ditto. Agreed. Yep. Cheers!