Peter Nissan is not likely a Danish name either - if Scandinavian it's most likely Swedish. The Danish spelling of Peter is "Peder" (yes, I know it's a naughty word in some languages). And almost all Scandinavians under the name Scott has that name because they at some time emigrated from Scotland to wherevere they are now. "Scot(t)" simply isn't a likely name in Scandinavia. The only word that sounds like it is "skott", which means bulkhead. Don't think a lot of people are named after bulkheads. More likely to be called a Scot if you are one. But then I have a friend whose surname is "Welsh", and he's from Glasgow.
Last edited by Heming; 8th June 09 at 11:55 AM.
Vin gardu pro la sciuroj!