21st May 09, 05:03 PM
Very moving and reminds me I will too soon have to face the same situation. My thoughts are with you.
21st May 09, 05:42 PM
I concur with our brethren,
We put our 13+ year old basset mix Lucky to sleep in October. She had been suffering renal failure for some time, but was such a sweet old hound that she would have pleased us to the painful end. It was bittersweet, but the painless end was the last gift we could bestow upon her for being an excellent dog. She had more trail miles than a Jeep, ran whitewater, camped through the BWCA, climbed in the Rockies, and traveled to all but 10 of our US states. We feel than a part of us left with her. She will be missed for the rest of our living days.
Sadly, she did not live long enough to meet her trainee, so we're left to teach him ourselves.
Institutio postulo novus informatio supersto
Proudly monkeying with tradition since 1967.
21st May 09, 05:49 PM
Amen to that tribute Jerry.
It is so touching and so true to those who have had a beloved pet.
The Reformer, Martin Luther once said "fear not little dog for you too will have a golden tail in heaven".
Makes feel me a lot better about the future. : )
Robert "V"
22nd May 09, 02:12 PM
I got to thinking that maybe I should explain the "So Long and Thanks for The Catfish" title. Most everyone who knows Jennifer and that knew Lucky knows the story.
One day quite a few years back, Jennifer watched Lucky returning from her swim in our little farm pond. On the way, she dropped something and picked it up again. Jennifer met her on the front porch just in time to see Lucky drop a small, still alive, catfish on the door mat. She actually brought another one on another day. No one saw that one, but we all assumed it was Lucky again. We have never figured out how a dog could catch a catfish, but she did it, twice.
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
24th May 09, 07:35 AM
Very touching stories. I've always said that the more I know people, the more I like my Dog. I hope I am the kind of person she thinks I am.
By Choice, not by Birth
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