Stunning Robert, and you are dressed in your usual satorial elegance. Thanks for the photos
Smashing, as usual!
This is so cool! A wonderful tartan. I am doing an alteration on this MacKinnon modern Red at the very moment!
Humor, is chaos; remembered in tranquillity- James Thurber
...and love the sporran and tassles. Goat ?
Originally Posted by Tartan Tess ...and love the sporran and tassles. Goat ? Thank you all for your sweet comments. The sporran is sheep. Best, Robert
Robert Amyot-MacKinnon
If I am not mistaken, this is the original garter style of tying the hose up. The modren flash is supposed to replicate this display. Very dapper indeed.
Somptueux !
Great look Robert. Is the sporran new or an antique?
The sporran is a replica of an antique. So are the garters and their tying system. Best, Robert
Lovely, Robert. Scenery, and outfit. I see in your pictures a "Photo of the month"!............and wouldn't tire of it! Altogether Elegant, something so often missing these days...
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