The X kilt instructions for the RevK are done using the same type of material as the box kilt. I tend to use more traditional stuff these days.
I don't have anywhere at home to lay out the material, so I make my kilts relying on accuracy of sewing and measurement to ensure things work out.
I don't sew the pleats. I do try to press them - though the latest kilt is unpressed and it seems to be working. It is wool blended with a man made fibre, and when it arrived the surface was already showing the polishing that pressing at too high a temperature gives to such fabric. I hope that in time a lack of further contact with irons will improve the appearance of the fabric.
I also 'twist' the under apron pleats to stop them rolling outwards and showing below the lower edge of the apron. It is a small thing, but it works - my 55 years of making garments has resulted in a certain cunning in the handling of fabrics hanging both on the grain and on the bias, and also those in between.
That is possibly sufficiently different to be interesting.
Anne the Pleater :ootd: