Originally Posted by
Thanks guys. This place has been a wonderful learning experience and had some great discussions on here, don't often get these type of discussions in real life. About kilts and such.
It is always a pleasure to get other Scots involved here, there are far too few of us for precisely the reasons you mention. Few Scots discuss kilts or associated clothing in Scotland becasue it is something we grew up with and either wear adult versions of what our parents bought us as children or just let them gather dust in the wardrobe.
Most Scots, who have a kilt, have only one expensive one, which sees the light of day only occasionally. For many years I was one of those, albeit latterly with 2 expensive ones so I could wear them more often. The advent of cheaper ones changed that, but for many Scots any non-wool kilt is for tourists only, despite the fact that, in many cases, it would take an expert or someone educated on this forum to spot the difference.
If you are going to do it, do it in a kilt!