13th October 04, 02:48 PM
In spite of corporate policies, each WalMart has it's own management. Much of what goes on reflects more that stores managers views than corporate policy. Just like some stores treat employees ok, others treat them like trash, it depends on the individual manager what the tone of the store is.
13th October 04, 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by bcmtnbka
Were you expecting a bad experience in Walmart?
No not at all. At least not from the staff. You never know what customers might think but I have never had a bad word in a store. I only expect and receive respect at Walmart.
More stories later on tht topic...
13th October 04, 08:09 PM
Re: First Public Outing with my Wife: Kilting a Walmart..
Originally Posted by JohnAllen
Somewhere in south east Ohio or in West Virginia my wife and I stopped to get some supplies at a Walmart...
Thats a pretty big bit of realestate to be lost in! Hope those provisions you bought a Wal*Mart included a map!
.... Later I told her she handled it like a trooper. Knowing she was actually dealing with it inside even though it did not show. She said she just told herself " We are just going into a store like we have anyother time, it's no big deal.."
I think they're waiting for some kind of embarrasing scene that never comes. Once they see that you can handle yourself, that worry goes away. Mostly I think, people just assume that you're going to an event of some kind.
Just for the record, it took a solid year of exposure and positive feedback for my wife to finally come around. I now wear my kilts just about anywhere and my wife doesn't even comment.
It was a good experience for her and me... Nice exposure... Now Guys KEEP GETTING OUT THERE!
Here's a little project for you... wrap on your kilt, get your camera, and take your wife someplace where there's a bunch of people... like Wal*Mart... take a few pictures for your gallery. Tell your wife it's homework. Win win win situation!
14th October 04, 06:55 AM
I will apologise in advance to those of you that have a positive view of Walmart and all the other big box stores.
It is absolutely a last resort that I shop in Walmart or any other big box store. I find the marketing offensive and I am throughly convinced that there is a brain bucket, somewhere at the entrance, that 90% of the shoppers put their brains in when they enter the store.
14th October 04, 07:18 AM
Casey this thread was not intended to be a promo for any type of store, but rather an "environment" to do with kilting. Period! It is significant because Walmarts, Kmarts the hardware store, Farm Stores, Church, The Fair, The Symphony etc... etc... etc.. are different type of enviornments where you expose the kilt to differnt people.
Lets not turn Xmarks into an evil of box stores forum. That is not the issue and I think the other responses to my post understood the context of being a kilting experience and nothing else.
14th October 04, 07:21 AM
My point is that one must understand the environment that one is placing themselves in.
Yes, it was a rant. Hence, the apology.
Good to hear you did well.
14th October 04, 07:24 AM
John, I used to consider such places a real sykolodgical challenge, they use to scare me to a nervous wreck, it is such a real freedom now to really enjoy and even seek out public places now as an opportunity to "show off" my kilt.
I don't mean to brag, but just say how persistance pays off.
My wife told me tonight that we have to attend a school concert Friday night, my first thought is...Great! I can wear my kilt..
are we a deranged lot or what!!
14th October 04, 07:31 AM
14th October 04, 10:09 PM
are we a deranged lot or what!!
I don't think we're deranged at all, we're the comfortable ones after all.
Rob Wright
15th October 04, 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by JohnAllen
... I think the other responses to my post understood the context of being a kilting experience and nothing else.
The real challenge is for you to get out there and walk the walk and take some pictures of it! Get rid of the "mountain vistas" and dancing icons and post some of that swinging kilt of yours! :P
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