sounds good.
New idea... The Shanty's are playing in Lafayette Hill the same evening as the Burns dinner. How about celebrating Scotland's heritage and then at 11 PM (that's when the Burn's dinner is over) moving the party to Brittingham's pub? Any takers on a LONG night of drinking and debauchery?
Rocky Roeger Owner & Kiltmaker - Facebook: Youtube:
I may be able to make it...driving to VA in the morning, coming home afternoon... I'll give you a call Rocky
Originally Posted by RockyR New idea... The Shanty's are playing in Lafayette Hill the same evening as the Burns dinner. How about celebrating Scotland's heritage and then at 11 PM (that's when the Burn's dinner is over) moving the party to Brittingham's pub? Any takers on a LONG night of drinking and debauchery? It sounds like a lot of fun, but a loooong drive. Are there any cheap motels or something real close to that place to crash? It also means being sober by 11:00 to get out to Lafayette Hill (or one DD with a high capacity vehicle) to get there.
We'll work out the logistics... Kelly and I take turns driving to be "fair". What we said was she drinks at the burns dinner, I drive us to Brit's and I drink there while she drinks soda. I only have 1 rule for this night of drinking and debauchery... NO PUKING IN MY CAR. you WILL be left on the side of the road and expected to steam clean the entire interior the following day. HAHAHAHAHA
As if that weren't enough, one of my pals twisted my arm into going to Finnigan's Wake on Saturday night. So if anyone wants to have a truely excessive weekend, I'm going to be at Finnigan's Wake around 8'ish. (Rocky... that saturday thing we talked about seems to have fallen through... the organizer has dropped off the face of the earth...)
Having instigated this caper, I'd better drag myself up there. I'll go to the office late, wearing my Kilt, and head out from the Navy yard at 6:00, see y'all there in whatever time it takes for me to get from South Philly to Phoenixville. From what I've read this event isn't a formal affair, so I won't wear the full attack outfit (Montrose, Fly Plaid, etc.), just the black Argyll and tie.
This isn't even a semi- formal affair, from what I understand. But wear what you'd like. I'm going to try to remember to grab my wife's digital camera on the way out of the house this morning to get some pics tonight.
It may not be formal, but I'm still getting decked out. I'll bring a t-shirt to change when we get to Brit's. Huntsman... are you down for going to Brit's with us? We'd love to have to have you! Everyone... Looks like we may need 2 cars. Depends on how many show up.
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