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  1. #21
    Join Date
    24th October 04
    Cincinnati, Ohio
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim H.
    When I said I want it to withstand wear and tear, I didn't mean that I'm going to build my own house in it. I meant that I want a kilt I can move around in and not have to worry about it being torn or such. Sorry for any confusion. Is there anything that the workman's is better than at then the Original or does it just have more pockets/straps? Has anyone ever worn one and gotten that's a skirt not a kilt comments?
    The segmented pockets are precicely why I prefer the workman's model. I find that when I have my original pockets (or mocker pockets for that matter) loaded I tend to spend time diging for what I want. In the workman's everything is nicely in it's own compartment.

    As for durability, the only problem I have had with either is I have one tiny hole in one pocket of my first original (4 years old) that happened when I put an uncapped pen in the pocket and being so overloaded it poked through. The hole has not gotten bigger from wear or washing.

    The workman's does have a little of the macho factor going.

    However, I love my PK lined black denim too, and plan on getting another (blue) soon.


  2. #22
    Join Date
    13th March 05
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim H.
    Is there anything that the workman's is better than at then the Original or does it just have more pockets/straps?
    It's a different tougher fabric than the original, and they aren't the only maker to use that fabric.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim H.
    Has anyone ever worn one and gotten that's a skirt not a kilt comments?
    That's eventually going to happen with any solid color kilt, since, in most minds, kilt = plaid.

    There will also be women who resent you looking better than they do, and who will make skirt comments whether it's a plaid or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR
    It's PRETTY MUCH all in how you carry yourself. If you look confident and tough, no one will mess with you or make comments. If you look timid and weak and self conscious, people will comment.

    Sort of like how dogs smell fear... if you look like easy prey, you will be.
    That's pretty much it. Have an attitude, don't be defensive, and have a snappy come-back ready (depending on the circumstances), and you'll be fine. Remember, some people are just going to be curious but not know how to approach you.

    Do a lot of reading on this site for descriptions of how others have handled situations in the past, because no matter how you carry yourself, eventually a jerk will come along; if you're already prepared, your confidence will show before they get there. ;)

    Good luck.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    As per the PK two-tone (just to follow up Rockys comment) I personally love the look, but the pleats don't maintain a crisp appearance, they tend to curl . For me, that works, but it's not for everyone. And if you want something that is low maintenance, the FK poly-cotton blends are pretty much maintenance-free (given, I can't comapre it to many other fabrics).

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Seeing how I'm not going to go do construction work, clean chimneys, etc. I was wondering if I could wear a casual FK to go hiking or is it only suited towards a more "dressy" use? Could I get a cargo kilt made w/8 yards of fabric for a cargo kilt or would it be better to go after a casual kilt and have it made out of work weight fabric? I'm looking for a rugged kilt that looks wicked.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    If you want a rugged looking kilt, I think UK original will do that for you. Thats the one thing I like about them, they look rugged and rough. Freedom kilts are really nice, but they are not rugged looking. You sure can wear a FK to go hiking. Hikers around here prefer PV for that though....

  6. #26
    Join Date
    13th March 05
    Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (OCONCAN)
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    Jim, I own a cargo FK in khaki (cotton blend) and it is perfect for hiking. The material is tough, yet really comfortable. The kilt is also great for casual wear, and it looks great right out of the dryer. I guess it depends on whether you prefer the look of the UK, PK or the FK. I don't have a UK or PK so I can't compare them. I love my FK though!
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

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