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  1. #21
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
    Battle Ground, Washington, USA
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    It's amazing how we start caring what we look like once we start caring what we wear isn't it? I'm doing the Bill Phillips "Body for Life" program myself. His companion book "Eating for Life" is great too. I'm not overly zealous about it, I don't plan or expect to look like a body builder, but it works for me. I lost 35 lbs. and felt better than I had for years. I not only lost inches and gained muscle but I went for 18 months with no acid reflux symptoms and almost no use of Mylanta. A neck injury flared up though and I backslid a bit the last couple of months so I gained 8 lbs. back. I've also increased my need for Mylanta. Started back on the exercise program last week.

    Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati

  2. #22
    Join Date
    17th July 05
    Alpharetta, Georgia USA
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    Keep up the good work, you're doing well! Breyer's makes some great low-carb ice cream, the flavors are limited, but it is a great treat.

    I'm still working on losing the 8-10 lbs I gained over the holidays, I have lost about 3 pounds of it, still have a few more pounds to go.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    13th March 05
    Orange County, CA., U.S.A.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cawdorian

    Keep up the good work, you're doing well! Breyer's makes some great low-carb ice cream, the flavors are limited, but it is a great treat.

    I'm still working on losing the 8-10 lbs I gained over the holidays, I have lost about 3 pounds of it, still have a few more pounds to go.

    Yeah, it's a great treat, but for me, it has unintended consequenses. I could eat a quart of regular ice cream with no ill effect, but just a bowl of that stuff gives me the farts something fierce!!! I don't know what the problem was, but that ice cream and I did not work well together!

    There was a lo-carb chocolate covered ice cream bar that I could eat safely, I'll have to try and remember what it was.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    13th September 04
    California, USA
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    ice cream and gas...ah, yes, you're an adult now. There comes a point where our bodies don't make as much lactase as we used to, and when we don't digest it, our intestinal flora DOES.

    OK. Enough of my mollygagging, or hobbymolling, or mockiwalling, or whatever it is. I'm joining this thread. I actually started yesterday, but today I'm going public with it.

    Starting weight = 255 plus or minus a few on any given day
    Goal weight = 215

    Target time? Mid- July (in time for backpacking)

    I'll post in here on a weekly basis, if you're up for it Iolaus... What say?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    13th March 05
    Orange County, CA., U.S.A.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H
    ice cream and gas...ah, yes, you're an adult now. There comes a point where our bodies don't make as much lactase as we used to, and when we don't digest it, our intestinal flora DOES.
    Naw, give me a pint of Haggen Das, and it's gone! - No problems. It's something about the diet ice cream.

    I'll post in here on a weekly basis, if you're up for it Iolaus... What say?
    Sure, join in; I was going to post week-end updates anyway.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    I'm happy to say that I'm now down to 210! I can't wait to get back below 200 lbs. I know it will mean either getting a lot of kilts altered or getting a lot of new kilts, but I'd really love to get back down into the 160 to 170 range. I won't be as skinny as in my fire department days, but at least it'll be somewhat closer to my ideal weight.

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Orange County, CA., U.S.A.
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    A little late, but here's the up-date.

    I weighed in this morning at the low end of 232-ish, and have for the past couple of mornings - no fluctuation back up; I think that means I'm on the down slope (I hope ).

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Kalamazoo, Michigan
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    Output > Intake = Weight Loss

    Hearty congratulations to all trying to kick the calorie habit. My doctor put it straight to me a few months ago, eat less, exercise more. He said 7 out of 10 patients he sees should lose weight or face the consequences of heart disease and diabetes. Scared me straight!

    Went from 235 to 215 in 3 months. I hit a plateau when I came over to Germany last fall, but I'm back at the gym and mostly lay off the bratwurst.
    Never was a beer drinker. I'm at 210 headed for 195.

    A big key for me was challenges with some friends. One guy is ahead of me, but I can get there. Seeing him every day helps me to avoid the temptation to snack on the goodies at the office.

    Switch to diet drinks, sugar substitutes, fruits and nuts and it is amazing to see the pounds go away.

    Now I just have to conquer the Chocolate Monster. Europe has the best!

    Best wishes to all,


  9. #29
    Join Date
    28th April 05
    Winston-Salem, North Carolina
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    I'm at 226 since the start of the thread (down from 229). It's slow but I think in the end that's maybe the best way. I wish I had weighed earlier because I know my clothes didn't suddenly start to fit after a 3 lb. loss. It's been coming off ever so slowly since Christmas but I haven't weighed until recently. Unfortunately I'm going to Myrtle Beach next week and I'll have to struggle to keep away from the pancake houses. Oh well, maybe I can hold serve for a week and then start again. Congratulations to all who are winning the battle!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    3rd January 05
    Detoit, Michigan USA
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    I'm down 19 pounds!! Another 3 pounds and I'll be below 300!!
    [B]Paul Murray[/B]
    Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL

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