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Thread: The Stare

  1. #21
    Join Date
    15th August 05
    The urban village of Mt. Washington, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
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    During a few rather impish moments, I've returned such stares with the same. It's pretty amazing how such people will turn tail and not even say a word when they realize how stupid they look.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    2nd October 04
    Page/Lake Powell, Arizona USA
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    I've always felt there was money to be made going about kilted. First you go to a local chiropractor and get him to pay you to walk around near his office. He's bound to do a land office business from folks with sore necks from doing double takes.

    Remember, the favorite sport of friends of kilted men is to trail behind them about 20 feet as they walk a mall and enjoy the many varied reactions and double takes folks have to a kilted man...all the sneak peeks and double takes and stares and stares....

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  3. #23
    Join Date
    25th June 06
    Franklin, NC USA
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    The stares are funny stuff.

    I had one that was so funny, I had a hard time keeping a straight face. I was in the antique mall of the Whistle Stop Mall (Franklin, NC). Just minding my own business, browsing, and such. Then this older gentlemen about 20 feet ahead of me looks up and sees me coming, and he double taked, and I thought he was going to fall over like "Kramer" (Seinfeld)... I'm serious..

    It's so funny, people never learned that wise lesson from their mother's: "It's not Polite To Stare!" I get a kick out of it any way....

    Then there's the talking about you (the kilted), in ear shot distance... that one's something else.

    I've even had folks point, yes point with their forefinger... I'm not referring to children now.. well, some might argue that

    But, it's all not that bad, they're not stoning us..

    anyway, I'm rambling.... GOOD THREAD.

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