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  1. #21
    Join Date
    20th September 06
    San Diego North County
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    As a short and portly...okay, very round man :rolleyes: I do stand taller in my kilt.

    As a matter of fact, I doubled my height when I stood on a hill overlooking Loch Sloy (The MacFarlane land above Loch Lomond) in Scotland and yelled out the MacFarlane battle cry and heard its echo across the water, I swear I was no less than 11 foot 6 inches tall that day....It was amazing....

  2. #22
    Join Date
    16th July 06
    Sierra Vista, Arizona, USA
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    While visiting Rapa Nui (Easter Island) I asked a seafaring gentleman how he navigated without reference to the stars. His answer was quite relevant. He said we don't wear underwear and the waves tell us which way to go. O'Neille

  3. #23
    Join Date
    19th August 06
    Sierra Vista, Arizona
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    Yes. I stand much straighter while wearing a kilt. I also have a bit more confidence in my self wich reflects in the way I walk, and scoutniagara stated a fact. I no longer have to "adjust" myself while wearing a kilt. Every thing is as nature intended.

    Your story about Rapa Nui, O'Neille, is very nice and quite probably pretty true.

    And this is really a great thread........

  4. #24
    Join Date
    14th September 05
    Space Coast, FL
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    I have noticed this as well. When I stand, my stance is different in a kilt than in trousers, most notably no pockets to stick my hands into and slouch over. Also, it is more comfortable to stand with the feet further apart. I have not tested it, but I think that if I stood the same way in trousers, I would look/feel like I was trying to straddle something. Not that my feet are that far apart, but the kilt provides some modesty that does not occur in pants.

    And I know that when I walk, I stand proud, and project my confidence.
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

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