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  1. #21
    Join Date
    11th November 06
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    Dirk, we are planning a nice, quite evening of conversation with perhaps an adult beverage or two.

    I got a room at the Quality Suites. Thanks for the heads up on that one.
    Sapienter si sincereClan Davidson (USA)
    Bydand Do well and let them say...GORDON!My Blog
    "I'll have a scotch on the rocks. Any scotch will do as long as it's not a blend of course. Single malt Glenlivet, Glenfiddich perhaps maybe a Glen... any Glen." -Swingers

  2. #22
    Join Date
    16th August 06
    Denver, Colorado
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    Quote Originally Posted by beowulf67 View Post
    Dirk, we are planning a nice, quite evening of conversation with perhaps an adult beverage or 2..................
    somehow I think that is a bit understated.

    OK I guess we are set for Sunday the 6th at the Cordova Saucer @ 13:00

  3. #23
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    OK, I changed my plans so I'll be staying in town Sunday night as well.

    Now, what are the plans for Saturday? I know Dirk is working, but if anyone else wants to do something, just let me know.
    Sapienter si sincereClan Davidson (USA)
    Bydand Do well and let them say...GORDON!My Blog
    "I'll have a scotch on the rocks. Any scotch will do as long as it's not a blend of course. Single malt Glenlivet, Glenfiddich perhaps maybe a Glen... any Glen." -Swingers

  4. #24
    Join Date
    13th December 06
    Bartlett, Tenn
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    Let's see.... Hmmmm.... We could get all liquored up and go down to th' swimmin' hole and play with some firearms! Nah! Too noisey... We could meet up at the Saucer in Cordova, Drink, intlay darts, drink,int: get something to eat. Drink, intlay darts, Drink, int:drink, int:drinkint:.... hmmm... seems to be a pattern emerging here.:butt::buttkick:

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warlock View Post
    Let's see.... Hmmmm.... We could get all liquored up and go down to th' swimmin' hole and play with some firearms! Nah! Too noisey... We could meet up at the Saucer in Cordova, Drink, intlay darts, drink,int: get something to eat. Drink, intlay darts, Drink, int:drink, int:drinkint:.... hmmm... seems to be a pattern emerging here.:butt::buttkick:
    Sounds like a plan to me!
    Also sounds like a Flogging Molly song:
    "we'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight!
    we'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight!
    and if i see a pretty girl, ill sleep with her tonight!
    we'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight!"

    Except the whole pretty girl part, not much luck with that
    Sapienter si sincereClan Davidson (USA)
    Bydand Do well and let them say...GORDON!My Blog
    "I'll have a scotch on the rocks. Any scotch will do as long as it's not a blend of course. Single malt Glenlivet, Glenfiddich perhaps maybe a Glen... any Glen." -Swingers

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