18th June 08, 03:00 PM
Very nice! Well put together outfit, my man!
18th June 08, 09:17 PM
Fantastic look. Got a pleat shot?
18th June 08, 09:39 PM
HERMAN, Adventurer, BBQ guru, student of history
18th June 08, 11:56 PM
 Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome
I think people here are trying to make some association between the "Rob Roy movie tartan" and the actual Clan MacGregor. That's erroneous, and not really the point of the tartan. The tartan in this case is called "Rob Roy" because it was the tartan worn in the movie of that name. Not because it has any historical association with the real Rob Roy or any association with the Clan MacGregor at all. In that respect it is a fashion tartan, pure and simple, and trying to draw comparisons between it and any actual Clan MacGregor tartan is besides the point.
The problem here is one of name resolution. I don't think anyone who has seen the Rob Roy tartan would mistake it for the Rob Roy tartan, but you can see (and have seen in this thread) how difficulties may arise when referring to one or the other in speech or text. I suppose using "Rob Roy movie" (and being sure to include the "movie" part) when referring to this tartan is a simple enough solution. Of course, there may be more than one movie.... (Fortunately, in the Disney movie, at least, he's wearing the usual clan tartan.)
 Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome
As to the Highlanders preferring earth-tones, we do know that one purpose of the tartan was originally camoflauge.
Yes, I suppose in Rob Roy's case, earth tones would actually make a lot of sense.
 Originally Posted by fluter
I don't recall the picture
Well then, let me refresh your memory:

 Originally Posted by fluter
Since it's the simplest imaginable tartan, it's probably pretty common through the history of woven fabric!
Quite possibly. The MacGregors have claimed it as one of their clan tartans since at least 1816, though. As far as I know, nobody disputes that claim. Whether it was widely associated with the MacGregor clan before the 19th century, however, is open to question, in my opinion. But who knows? It could be Pryse Campbell was a Rob Roy fan.
19th June 08, 04:03 AM
 Originally Posted by Streetcar
Fantastic look. Got a pleat shot?
Thanks everyone, I really like this kilt. I should have specified "Rob Roy Movie" like I usually do when I refer to this kilt.
I bought the clothe from the "Tartan Web" years ago, I'm not a huge fan of the movie but I really liked the tartan, its very soft with beautiful colors.
I'll try to get pleat shots today.
Last edited by David White; 19th June 08 at 04:04 AM.
Reason: spelling
Clan Lamont!
19th June 08, 05:01 AM
Beautiful Tartan, and you look great in the kilt, (Get it look Grerat in the Kilt.)
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