4th August 12, 10:07 AM
I gotta pass on this thread....I really really do.....
It is heartening to hear that nudist men are finally beginning to embrace kilts - a great way to preserve their FREEDOM when not in a nudist venue.
Someday, a wise kiltmaker will advertise in the nudist media and get rich.
'nuff said.
Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
"I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."
4th August 12, 02:19 PM
At least three kilties in this vid, and one of them wins, taking the bow from the bull's head.
4th August 12, 03:43 PM
There is one reason to not wear a kilt, that is to a non- Scot/Celt wedding, the day belongs to the bride, it is tacky to show up the bride.
6th August 12, 10:02 AM
Certainly one does not want to show up the bride or the groom, but a kilt worn without all the bells and whistles (no waistcoat, no fly plaid) is quite acceptable in most circumstances – unless, of course, the family of either bride or groom are irredeemable Sassenachs.
The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
[Proverbs 14:27]
6th August 12, 10:06 AM
 Originally Posted by McElmurry
Must have been the flat cap then.
Indeed...perhaps the bull is channeling Jock Scot....
6th August 12, 10:12 AM
LOL Mike made me look it up Sassenachs.
slàinte mhath, Chuck
Originally Posted by MeghanWalker,In answer to Goodgirlgoneplaids challenge:
"My sporran is bigger and hairier than your sporran"
Pants is only a present tense verb here. I once panted, but it's all cool now.
6th August 12, 10:16 AM
I can't wear a kilt at work. NFPA-70E says that specific (and also arc/flash rated) clothing must be worn during electrical work. All pants and no allowance for kilts or skirts for either gender. Safety first.
6th August 12, 10:24 AM
 Originally Posted by tundramanq
LOL Mike made me look it up  Sassenachs.
DRAT! I was hoping someone would ask and I wouldn't have to look it up....
6th August 12, 10:30 AM
Great catch Taj - Most of my life I worked around machinery where loose clothing was a hazard - same proscription.
I also worked in the Nuclear radiation field where entry into contaminated areas with anti-contamination clothing was required. No proscription, but getting into the clothes required removal of the kilts and skirts. Several times a day - just easier to wear p**ts or shorts.
slàinte mhath, Chuck
Originally Posted by MeghanWalker,In answer to Goodgirlgoneplaids challenge:
"My sporran is bigger and hairier than your sporran"
Pants is only a present tense verb here. I once panted, but it's all cool now.
6th August 12, 12:36 PM
One reason " Not to wear a kilt " could be -if you are going to a Kilt addicts meeting,
It might not be a good idea to show up in one , as you may be robbed . lol
Just saying - I would not go to a AA meeting with a beer ,right
Pro 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
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