My pronunciation is Clan-DES-tin
Originally Posted by Alan H Some days you're the bat, some days you're the watermelon.
OK, finally had a chance to wear the kilt again due to road rash from hitting a patch of ice on my Vespa at 35 mph...I found my kilts to be the only thing that would keep from pulling on the large bandage on my knee which caused some, well, exquisite pain. After 5 wearings, the Amerikilt (after 3 washings) is definitely doing need to iron it yet, and I was wearing at all day, day after day. I can definitely report that after three washings the wrinkles are almost, but not quite, on par with my jeans, which I think of as not wrinkling. I'm guessing in the next wash or two, the Amerikilt will reach that same point, but I am very happy with it now. Great modern kilt, but who knew it had medicinal value as well? Definitely a kilt to wear with a wounded knee.
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