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  1. #21
    Join Date
    4th September 16
    Castle Rock, Colorado
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    Jacket & Vest Arrived

    I took advantage of the sale and ordered an Argyll jacket and vest and some flashes.
    4 days later, arrived a roomy box (no crushed jacket) with my order.
    Fits perfectly and am quite pleased with the workmanship.
    I thought it was poorly sewn inside the sleeve cuffs, but it turns out there are some kind of secret James Bond openings sewn in for hiding stuff.
    First I rushed and tried it on. Then, for the photo, I took my time and dressed appropriately.
    8 yard PV kilt Scottish National tartan (waiting on my 8 yard wool USMC tartan), black hose with "blood stripe" flashes, and fancy shoes (not brogues). Coyote fur sporran (bastard ate my cats).
    I couldn't remember the proper bow tie knot, so forgive me that.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Argyle.jpg 
Views:	39 
Size:	101.7 KB 
ID:	29355
    Last edited by ibrew4u; 20th October 16 at 08:54 PM.

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  3. #22
    Join Date
    9th August 16
    Southern Highlands, New South Wales
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanachie View Post
    Sorry if I was not clear, and it is not directed at you personally, but Sterling has taken a dive against the dollar. So for some things Americans are getting a better price because of the currency fluctuation. It is grand that it benefited you in a nice cost savings and I am happy for you. I was just gently (and charitably) remembering that it works the opposite for some folks when their incomes do not go as far and life is harder. Again, not in any way knocking you or your post. I just try to remember others, when times are tumultuous, and bear their burdens in mind. Enjoy your kilt in good health.
    Actually it is a bit more complex than that. The current favourable rate of exchange of the pound against the Australian dollar means that I have purchased three kilts (two from Kilts4less and one from The Scotland Kilt Company), a craill vest and jacket, 8 yards of 16Oz Lochcarron tartan for a kilt to be made in Australia and numerous other accessories that, for the most part, I would not have purchased at all, or at least not as many. The overall effect of a currency devaluation is difficult to measure. For goods made locally from overseas-sourced components, prices can rise as well as imported finished goods. but that is matched by increased total exports, with flow-on effects to the employees engaged to meet that export demand.

    As an Australian, I have been used to anything at all from the UK costing way more than it should, due to the low value of the dollar against the pound. And the way these things work, when the price of pounds falls, the quantity demanded goes up, then interest rates pick up (great for retirees, not great for mortgagees), and the price of the currency rises due the increased demand.

    Right now the Aust dollar buys about 62p. I remember the time it was only 32p and we couldn't afford much at all from the UK, let alone travel there (which I did, as I had planned it months in advance). Once I was there, after three days I was harmorrhaging money so quickly I went back to France. So any of my money that would have gone to tourism or hospitality in 2002 was lost, because I had been crowded out.

    It won't last for ever. Trade deals are being negotiated right now. The sooner the pinstriped traders stop panicking over the news and causing these swings, the sooner things will stabilise. Chin Up. Exporters in Britain have a respite from their usually challenging conditions.
    Last edited by Michael A; 27th October 16 at 11:13 PM.

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