I can wear bad shoes for an hour or two, maximum. Not sure when I've ever been in my kilt for just an hour... except maybe at the final fitting. Having comfortable feet is key to being happy, if you ask me. My kilt dress shoe of choice is my pair of Clarks black wingtips. Just this past Saturday, I wore them to one of those weddings where the ceremony is at 2:00 PM and the reception goes from 6:00 to midnight, and I was very comfortable the entire time. If I'm ever looking for new shoes, the first place I'll check is my local Clarks store (I'm a lucky guy to have one near me!). I don't know if I'd ever buy a pair of shoes without being able to first try them on. Too bad, really, because I've really wanted to try some Earth Shoes for some time now (www.earth.us) because of their negative heel technology, but there's no way I'm dropping $150 on shoes I've never tried on.
ehiker www.thekiltedwoodworker.com www.greystonegreen.blogspot.com
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