You tried, Alan. Good for you.
Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit
Hey Alan, better luck next year. Maybe with more time, and established contact information, you can make it happen.
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
I was so looking forward to airport security under the latest round of TSA hysteria to get to the Pleasanton Games too ..... :rolleyes: Sidebar: I feel so much safer now that the TSA can't tell the difference between and 12 year old girl with a bottle of water and a muslim extremist with an explosive liquid. Yes indeedy and the media keeps the charade going. CT - hoping Kristen is working Labor day weekend in Frisco.
Everyone, be advised that further negative comments about any and all efforts to make people safe as they travel are going to be seen as argumentative and will be removed. If you feel TSA is letting you down, ride shank's mare, but keep the comments to yourselves.
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