Tough one.
Consider that while changing your name might honor deceased ancestors, how will it affect your living relatives? Are they less deserving of the honor because they have a "bastardized" name?
I considered a one point in my life as well. I thought it would give me a stronger tie to my past. But then I realized that the name wouldn't mean a damn thing to the stranger who didn't know my family history.
Then I thought of it from my parents point of view. Although I thought they would be understanding if I explained my reasons, I was also concerned that their friends might think I was having some sort of rebellion against them, and thereby put them into an akward situation.
In the end I decided that my name unchanged reflects who I am - including the tribulations of those that came before under different spellings.
Whichever name you decide on, you will still be you. Just make sure you let us know WHAT your decision is, so we can toast you in the right name!