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  1. #31
    puffer is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Little View Post
    Puffer -- Very unique (as always!) and well put together! That jacket is particularly splendid.

    Not to get the rabble off on another hose tangent, but would diced hose (black and red, perhaps?) be a period-correct option? In my mind's eye I think it looks quite nice.
    Yes it would, in fact the "few" illustrations of Kilted" men ( HBC) show them wearing them, BUT they are NOT of my " social" class & are in "day wear" situations, not eating with the Factor of the Spokane House. ( the gentlemen here were known to be ATTIRED 'properly" In fact, when HBC took over, Gov. Simpson complain about the $$ these men ran up in shipping clothing out.


  2. #32
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    Grand looking outfit

  3. #33
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    As always Puffer, you look fantastic and are a man among men!

    And as always, lets discuss whether your white hose are appropriate.

    I hope you had a blast and passed on some of your knowledge to others.
    Last edited by Wolfgore; 17th March 09 at 03:01 AM.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by puffer View Post
    Yes it would, in fact the "few" illustrations of Kilted" men ( HBC) show them wearing them, BUT they are NOT of my " social" class & are in "day wear" situations, not eating with the Factor of the Spokane House. ( the gentlemen here were known to be ATTIRED 'properly" In fact, when HBC took over, Gov. Simpson complain about the $$ these men ran up in shipping clothing out.

    Thank you for your response to my question of white hose. Following up...would gentlemen of your "social class," in Scotland, have worn white hose or would they have been wearing tartan or diced hose?

    Again, thanks for your patience...
    DWFII--Traditionalist and Auld Crabbit
    In the Highlands of Central Oregon

  5. #35
    puffer is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DWFII View Post
    Thank you for your response to my question of white hose. Following up...would gentlemen of your "social class," in Scotland, have worn white hose or would they have been wearing tartan or diced hose?

    Again, thanks for your patience...
    No need to ask for my "patience". You are "asking" with an "inquiring mind" & NOT relying on "the preconceived narrow interpretations of "reality" often cited as LAW.

    This example = A very Close Friend of mine, portrays a Major in the 95th Rifles during the "Peninsular War" His GEAR, ( Uniforms,Guns, camp etc) not only been very carefully researched ( note- The "95th's Historical group in England a while back "interviewed" him & made up a "portfolio" showing the above,as being an example to use for "re enacting"

    He usually does not participate in "Juried" events ( they are "Back east ore in England + shoot Blanks) but 2 years ago he decided to attend one of them (VERY Strict) On the 2nd day they had a "judging" session on "attire" He has a SENSE of humor & Loves to "pull the chains" of "thread counters".

    Here is what he wore
    1. French "cav." boots,
    2. Yellow Cav. pants ("artfully" patched")
    3. A Major' Coatee" with the sleeves missing ( like a vest)
    4. A LADY's BONNET.
    5. A Holstered pistol

    Needles to say he was "Challenged" But He informed them, that he was "presenting the "REALITY" of the situation in the "real World" in the latter stages of the WAR. & he "documented it all from "journals"

    Result = After the "shock" wore off, they presented him a "special" reward.

    Keep this in mind, when you read the next post ( answer to your ??


  6. #36
    puffer is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DWFII View Post
    Thank you for your response to my question of white hose. Following up...would gentlemen of your "social class," in Scotland, have worn white hose or would they have been wearing tartan or diced hose?

    Again, thanks for your patience...
    Note, here is my "Humble Opinion" Based on the following thoughts ( Note I make NO pretense of being an authority, but offer this as "food for thought"

    1. The "Scots" emulated" the dress of the English in the "main"
    2. Unlike today, Clothing was $$$$$$
    A. a common man would only have 1 or possibly another "nicer" one for "Sunday wear".As we move up in the "social strata" the # & finery increases.
    B. Clothing was a "sign of one's "status" & they tried to put their "best foot" forward.
    3. At this time "Dress for the upper middle class ++ was "Tailed coats or in some cases "coatees" ( reflected often a "Military look")
    Here is a pic of the style of clothing worn by the "more affluent" during the DAY time. (note- this is a "modern "adaptation" but is "representative")

    NOTE the "fine White cotton Hose" If these men were less affluent, the hose may have been Black or if less effluent, possibly fine knitted wool.

    Now to the "Kilt Hose" for eve or Dress wear ?? (IMHO)
    A. "Diced" hose were worn but IMHO, it was NOT the ONLY
    B. White fine Cotton Hose ( Pantaloon Hose "turned down")
    1. Diced hose may have been "vogue" for those trying to "look" Scottish" BUT IMHO "some", if not "many" would have "cringed @ wearing Hose that were NOT Their "FINEST" which = fine white cotton, not "knits" To them it would be "DEMEANING"

    IMHO, it would be similar to being in a "social class" were "fine Italian suites & shoes were worn & I should up wearing a "Nordstrom's" suite & Shoes. ( great quality, but Below my & my peers "status" ( NOTE- I am not in this "stratosphere of attire)

    Any way please consider the above.


  7. #37
    CactusJack is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    puffer, As always you look great, I especially like the jacket.

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