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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    Actually the eyeglasses have transition lenses. I guess they were shaded by the hat brim at this angle. But here's another shot a little later.
    Excellent! I generally wear Serengeti polarized sunshades; like Transitions, they also let in more or less light according to the ambient light intensity. In my second pic above, they're hanging from a buttonhole in my shirt pocket.
    "It's all the same to me, war or peace,
    I'm killed in the war or hung during peace."

  2. #32
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    I often wear polo shirts with my kilts in hot weather for a casual occasion. If I want to be less casual, I'll wear a regular shirt with short sleeves in a cool fabric; I think linen goes well with a wool kilt, and since my wife likes to iron, I indulge myself.

    The belt dos not bother me. The buckle is on the small side, and I did not even notice it. I had to go back and look at the photo again when it was mentioned.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    Although, not P/V you may find the tartan of your heart in a casual kilt sale at Burnette & Struths who advertise here. I have two of them in my Clan's tartan and they are my workhorses for the Games season here in VA which starts in fall but still hot. Once you have your family tartan, don't be afraid to branch out in universal tartans which Rocky at USA Kilts offer quite a number in P/V. And then, again there is no rule against wearing a family tartan not your own!
    Thanks for the advice Mael.
    I did go to USAKilts and found two PV kilts in one of my Clan tartans: Thompson Gray and Thompson Camel (Thompson is the modern English equivalent of MacTavish). BTW, I have ordered a kilt not in my family/clan tartan: USAF. Barb T is working on it as I write this, and I hope to have it very soon.
    Mark Stephenson
    Region 5 Commissioner (OH, MI, IN, IL, WI, MN, IA, KY), Clan MacTavish USA
    Cincinnati, OH
    [I]Be alert - the world needs more lerts[/I]

  4. #34
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    Ern, you look great! No need for me to add anything to the suggestions made by others.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    Right, Rex. I had no Rowen handy, so I thought the sprig of crape myrtle would be a good stand in. Was concerned it may have been a bit too over powering!
    Trefor would probably say it was overflowering.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    There has been some discussion recently of the adaptability and versatility of the kilt. With that in mind, I thought I would share with you my day wear today, on a summer day in Virginia.

    The kilt is USA Kilt semi-trad which is well suited with its P/V material for the hot humid weather in the southern USA. Tartan is Stewart black. Cotton kilt hose from Sock Dreams worn here with self tie garters from the STM. Clarks desert boots for footwear. Sporran is nylon from Stillwater kilts. I love polo’s and this color picks up a thin blue line in the tartan. Too hot for a wool balmoral, so this broken in straw hat keeps the sun off and the head cool.

    What do you think?
    Looks good to me!

  7. #37
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    A hotter summer day in Virginia

    And a Saturday at that, so I traded a polo for a T and switched our my footwear to Chancos and removed my kilt belt. Is this still the right sub-forum for this pic?

  8. #38
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    • black shirt,
    • mostly black kilt,
    • standing on black asphalt in the Virginia sun

    Were you just a little bit warm?

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    • black shirt,
    • mostly black kilt,
    • standing on black asphalt in the Virginia sun

    Were you just a little bit warm?
    No, I was shaded by the hat.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    And a Saturday at that, so I traded a polo for a T and switched our my footwear to Chancos and removed my kilt belt. Is this still the right sub-forum for this pic?

    I have to say, no that is not a traditional kilt look, it is in the wrong sub-forum and I will say why.

    The overall impression is just too far from the traditional look, sensible maybe, traditional it is not.

    In detail. T shirts are not traditional in any way, with the kilt, and T shirts with logos on, well, just push the overall impression way beyond traditional. I personally would have had no problem with say a long sleeved tattersall shirt with the sleeves rolled up and open collar.

    I am sorry, whilst I can understand not wearing a belt in hot climes, when combined with the overall impression it is just too casual. I suppose it is my upbringing coming to the fore here, where a belt is required when not wearing a waist coat.

    The non traditional sporran now catches my eye and added to the overall impression just helps it move away from the traditional look. You are at least wearing a sporran though!

    I find the lack of hose, of the required length too, whilst no doubt is very sensible in the circumstances is not helpful to the overall look. I can quite see that removing ones shoes and hose(still wearing the kilt!)for a gentle paddle with the children is quite acceptable, but about town so to speak, well, no.

    Sandals? Well again, sensible no doubt, but hardly traditional.

    Well you did ask!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 16th July 11 at 09:52 PM.
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