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  1. #41
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    i have an opinion on this, but I think I'll wait until some of the other members chime in.

  2. #42
    Mr. Kilt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlassMan View Post
    Of course, I've seen Virgin Wool and that makes me wonder about what they do to the rest of the sheep.
    Virgin wool comes from ugly sheep!

  3. #43
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Wool is a wonderful fabric.

    It is expensive.

    It requires special care.

    There are other fabrics available.

    These other fabrics do not require special care.

    Just what is so special about wool?

  4. #44
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    The location says the items are in Australia. They make no claim as to where their items are made, but then neither to over 90% of other e-bay sellers. yeah these are probably cheap Asian kilts, but I don't see any claim that they are not.


  5. #45

    Highland Inspirations

    In reviewing the tone of several I can't help but wonder how the word "kilt" is defined in relation both to several posts as well as the statement of purpose defining the forum,

    "X Marks the Scot is an international community of kilt wearers and those who encourage the wearing of kilts. Kilts are a man's garment and it is our goal to promote the wearing of the kilt in more than just the "Highland Games" situation. This is not a forum for men looking to wear womens clothing nor is it a forum for other types of men's un-bifurbricated garments. If you want to know more about kilts then you have come to the right place! ".

    Some seem to reflect the opinion that to truly be a kilt it must be of the ilk of the hand tailored garment requiring at least eight or nine yards of material of 16 oz. Scottish worsted wool tartan. Trouble is this is not accurate from an historical perspective regarding the garment itself, how it was made, or even the exclusive use of tartan. So, is the kilt a simple long wrap of fabric, a four yard kilt, or that more often seen kilt of the various Highland Games...ALL fairly recent innovations in historical terms. Ironically, the history of Scotland itself combined peoples and received customs and traditions from many corners of the world. Scottish wear over history was far more than the highly tailored "KILT" that some would define so narrowly. Even the cloth that the Scots wore varied considerably over time. Truth be told, kiltlike garments were and still are worn by many different cultures throughout the world, are made of different fabrics and appear in many differing lengths as they have throughout history.

    This in NO way is a shot at the kilt so dear to many, but a simple recognition that kilt styles, fabrics and even sources have always varied. As in many things personal preference is highly subjective. Whether folks obtain kilts made in the east or from an exclusive Scottish tailor and whether it is long or short, of tartan or grey flannel, if it increases awareness of and acceptance of, maybe even demand for, kilts maybe its a good thing. Anyone claiming one way, one style, or one set of accessories is, in fact, in light of historical differences and evolutions, wrong.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by creativeaccents View Post
    In reviewing the tone of several I can't help but wonder how the word "kilt" is defined in relation both to several posts as well as the statement of purpose defining the forum,

    "X Marks the Scot is an international community of kilt wearers and those who encourage the wearing of kilts. Kilts are a man's garment and it is our goal to promote the wearing of the kilt in more than just the "Highland Games" situation. This is not a forum for men looking to wear womens clothing nor is it a forum for other types of men's un-bifurbricated garments. If you want to know more about kilts then you have come to the right place! ".

    Some seem to reflect the opinion that to truly be a kilt it must be of the ilk of the hand tailored garment requiring at least eight or nine yards of material of 16 oz. Scottish worsted wool tartan. Trouble is this is not accurate from an historical perspective regarding the garment itself, how it was made, or even the exclusive use of tartan. So, is the kilt a simple long wrap of fabric, a four yard kilt, or that more often seen kilt of the various Highland Games...ALL fairly recent innovations in historical terms. Ironically, the history of Scotland itself combined peoples and received customs and traditions from many corners of the world. Scottish wear over history was far more than the highly tailored "KILT" that some would define so narrowly. Even the cloth that the Scots wore varied considerably over time. Truth be told, kiltlike garments were and still are worn by many different cultures throughout the world, are made of different fabrics and appear in many differing lengths as they have throughout history.

    This in NO way is a shot at the kilt so dear to many, but a simple recognition that kilt styles, fabrics and even sources have always varied. As in many things personal preference is highly subjective. Whether folks obtain kilts made in the east or from an exclusive Scottish tailor and whether it is long or short, of tartan or grey flannel, if it increases awareness of and acceptance of, maybe even demand for, kilts maybe its a good thing. Anyone claiming one way, one style, or one set of accessories is, in fact, in light of historical differences and evolutions, wrong.
    We do NOT hold that a Kilt is exclusively made of wool, 8yds, or many of the other comments you have claimed.

    You are new here, but if you read through the posts, check our advertisers sites, there are many variations of both traditional and contemporary kilts represented here.

    We do respond to posts regarding possible misleading information, sometimes in a rather sarcastic tone, but not ripping into the seller, unless it is a purposeful attempt to mislead (which sometimes it is!).

    Again, I encourage you to really read through the posts, and you will see quite a diverse group of people who support "kilts" of many styles, made of many different fabrics.
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

  7. #47

    highland inspirations

    Actually I have read through many, many posts and enjoyed the hours of learning. I have also read and viewed most of the many style...which I find to be fascinating. Perhaps it was through this that I did sometimes detect the apparent need to jump or judge. Goodness. Actually, I was simply observing that there ARE lots of different styles, color schemes, adornment preferences, sources, countries of origin and price levels and that MAYBE they all have a place. And ... kilts are not just the hand sewn, custom tailored, Scottish origin, 9 yard, fully accessoried, 500.00 stuff of the games. Maybe they are all good. With something that probably began as rolled cloth wrapped not to unlike a toga, we seem to have come a long way. There was neither sarcasm nor ulterior motive.

  8. #48
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    Agreed, Check out Amerikilts, Renegade Kilts, R-Kilts, and there are many more who make unique kilted garments.

    Basically here we have only one basic definition of a kilt, which is at it's root, a "Skirt" with a pleated back, and aproned front (under and over apron, or at least some over apron).

    Now this is my basic definition, and it fits most likely 90+% of what others here understand a kilt to be, both as it changed through history, and it's modern counterparts.

    There are some here who would not consider the "original" Utilikilt to be a "kilt" by definition, though the style changed to easily fit that definition.

    There is always room for different ideas, and this is a very open place to "throw them out there" because we will respond honestly, though some with "tongue in cheek" and others with a note of sarcasm, but not purposefully with ill intent.

    Welcome to the board, by the way!
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

  9. #49
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    kilts are not just the hand sewn, custom tailored, Scottish origin, 9 yard, fully accessoried, 500.00 stuff of the games.
    I don't think anyone here has said that.

  10. #50
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    Negative - Item Pictured is not what arrived. When contacted, no response.

    Feedback score: 376|Positive feedback: 99.7%

    Negative - Item Pictured is not what arrived. When contacted, no response. Delivery good

    Buyer - rjdogilvie

    24-Jan-08 - 160195692447 - Kilt THE PATRIOT TARTAN© Kilts- (Scottish, celtic) Winning bid: AU $89.00

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