9th October 08, 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by AtagahiKC
ABQ would be within driving distance for me, as well. Although I'd probably fly anyway. Western Kansas/OK-TX Panhandle is just too boring to contemplate (although Southern Utah is much, much more boring than anything else I've ever driven).
If you are in San Francisco, there's no need to get anywhere close to the "Western Kansas/OK-TX Panhandle". For you the quickest route is south to Barstow and then across Arizona straight into Albuquerque - about 1000 mile one way.
I beg to differ (strenuously) about your assertion that Southern Utah is boring. It is far from boring. Southern Utah is spectacular country.
Thinking positively, in the hopes that there will be a 2k9 kilt kamp (yeah I know too many ks), my vote is for Albuquerque.
11th October 08, 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by wsk
Southern Utah is spectacular country.
I couldn't agree more. If I had friends coming from overseas and I could take them anywhere at all in the US, I would take them to southern Utah. What could be more fab than Arches National Park or Canyonlands or Monument Valley??!? But maybe that's the geologist in me talking....
11th October 08, 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by Barb T.
I couldn't agree more. If I had friends coming from overseas and I could take them anywhere at all in the US, I would take them to southern Utah. What could be more fab than Arches National Park or Canyonlands or Monument Valley??!? But maybe that's the geologist in me talking....
Or Capital Reef NP, or Hovenweep or ................ But maybe that's the photographer in me talking ;)
11th October 08, 03:38 PM
11th October 08, 03:44 PM
haha say it ain't so!
Too far for little ole me.
11th October 08, 04:00 PM
Ah, yes, quite a delema. The geographical center is in Lebanon. The mean center of the population is in Phelps County, MO. They have 59 people per square mile. Hmm, what could be in the middle of those two important places??? Why it's Kansas City!!!! Woot!
Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker
A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.
11th October 08, 10:04 PM
All kidding aside guys and gals here is what must happen if you really want a Kilt Kamp to happen in 2009.
Someone must be willing to host the Kilt Kamp. This includes, but is not limited to;
Is willing to find, or has access to, a Hall, or other suitable venue. Classes such as Kilt Kamp have been held in Kilt Shops, Empty Stores, Community Centers, YMCA's, Summer Camp Cabins, Church Halls and other such locations.
Will be willing and able to spend the time and energy to coordinate the Hall, the instructors, & the schedules of the attendees.,
Will be willing to locate reserve, and post here, the information on suitable lodgings for the instructors and attendees.
Dittio for resturaunts in the local area.
Willing to find, borrow or rent tables, chairs and lighting suitable to the needs of the Kamp.
Willing to take on the collecting of the attendees fees and paying such necessaries such as Hall Rental, Advertising, etc.
If you want Barb to teach at a Kilt Kamp it is customery to pay her travel expenses, food and lodging for the 5 day Kamp.
If you want me to teach at a Kamp, I will ask for travel and lodging expenses for 3 days.
If you want to have other instructors at the Kamp you will need to contact them and arrange for their needs and requirements.
OK, now that I have thrown a bucket of cold reality on the idea, who is willing to take the 2009 Kilt Kamp and run with it?
The first Kilt Kamp was sponsored by Freedom Kilts. I used my shop for Barb's classroom but basically had to shut down my business for 5 days.
I then organized a Kilt Night, & hired a band.
Now I was lucky because I had the shop already, the Kilt Night location is my local pub and was just across the street and I had a 1 bedroom apartment for Barb and her husband to use while they were here.
The Second Kilt Kamp was held at The Scottish Tartans Museum. Matt was able to arrange for us to take over an empty store right next door to the museum. He was able to borrow a house from a friend for Barb, Bobbie and I to use. But in the end I would guess that he was out of pocket for at least three hundred dollars for all the drinks he provided, the pizzas that were delivered, and all the extras he provided.
I don't want to sound harsh but that is the reality of this sort of thing.
Now, any one want to raise their hand?
Steve Ashton
Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
I wear the kilt because: Swish + Swagger = Swoon.
12th October 08, 06:46 PM
The whitewater is pretty sweet in NC. Matt?
Coastal mountaineeing would be cool too. Go for it Steve.
Then again, the Russian River is a hoot. Jamie?
Kevin- who might be tempted to teach a jacket class if timed properly.
Last edited by kevinkinney; 13th October 08 at 04:24 PM.
Institutio postulo novus informatio supersto
Proudly monkeying with tradition since 1967.
14th October 08, 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by ChattanCat
Ah, yes, quite a delema. The geographical center is in Lebanon. The mean center of the population is in Phelps County, MO. They have 59 people per square mile. Hmm, what could be in the middle of those two important places??? Why it's Kansas City!!!! Woot!
Actually, St. Louis or Springfield are much closer to Phelps County than Kansas City. Rolla/Phelps County is halfway between SGF and STL on Interstate 44.
14th October 08, 11:22 AM
Could you give us an idea of what the space and equipment requirements are? A big room with cafeteria tables? Something else?
"To the make of a piper go seven years of his own learning, and seven generations before. At the end of his seven years one born to it will stand at the start of knowledge, and leaning a fond ear to the drone he may have parley with old folks of old affairs." - Neil Munro
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