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  1. #41
    Join Date
    4th February 10
    Toccoa, Ga. USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by james a. husky View Post
    I tuck the extra pleats first under and between my right leg and the saddle or tank, and then tuck the left pleats under and between my left leg and the saddle or tank. I do the same with the apron... tucking the apron up between my legs and the seat.

    This leaves me with a nice, tight "wrap" around the legs and leaves no extra material to pick up the wind.
    Again, I probably came off sounding like a sarcastic jerk earlier, but what I meant when I said it doesn't matter, is you're going to have to use the magnets, or do something like James is discribing here, regardless of whether you're in a heavy leather kilt, or a Sportkilt. As a matter of fact, I'm guessing here, but the cloth kilt might even be more comfortable to wrap/tuck in around you than the heavier stiffer leather one.

    Have Fun,

  2. #42
    Join Date
    3rd December 07
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    An observation from one who is not a motorcycle operator.

    A local Harley group has several kilted members and most of the females wear skirts or dresses during a few scheduled events. The group meets up and travels in a formation, at lower speed, and carefully, so as to arrive in good clean shape. There is a driver distraction element (the automobile operators - not the cyclists) that can present issues. They tend to local roads and avoid the high speed highways when dressed in the finery. The rest of the time it is full leathers, full speed and any highway.

    The group has donned full evening wear and ridden their freshly shined Harleys in several area parades. The group has a wide range of models of bikes, and the riders utilize many different techniques to accommodate the model of bike and the shape of the rider.

    I have ridden on the back of one of these bikes with the kilt heavily tucked so as to keep the garment out of the spokes, away from the exhaust pipes and from blocking the tail lights. I would prefer the trousers and change later. The kilted (P/V semi trad) ride was part of the show.

    My .02 worth.


  3. #43
    Join Date
    25th June 05
    On The Long Road
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    I am a motorcy rider.

    I wear what I choose.

    Nobody chooses for me.

    I take NO Advice about what to wear as right, wrong, fashionable or no.

    Leathers save the skin on the first bounce.

    Most crashers bounce and slide for some distance. The bounce rips the leather, the slide spins it from its position on the body so the asphalt can do its thing, "give road rash."

    I strongly encourage you to make your decision on your own for yourself.

    If you believe you'll crash, decide what your skin is worth.

    If you believe you'll not crash, that's being naive or foolish. ALL motorcycles eventually fall down.

    I ride kilted and non kilted. I use a multitude of variable factors in my decision to gear up more, or less.

    REMEMBER: If you think you're an expert, You're not.
    If you are an expert you won't even think of it and continue practicing as if you're not.
    If you think, then likely you're ahead of everyone you meet.

    btw: the proof is in signature links below
    Last edited by morrison; 15th April 10 at 03:39 AM.
    Go, have fun, don't work at, make it fun! Kilt them, for they know not, what they wear. Where am I now?

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