4th April 11, 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by Dale Seago
Well, I'd agree were it not for that persistent glass of insipid grape juice in your hand instead of a proper whisky.
Though that IS a part of the whole California thing.
And I hope you realize I'm totally pulling your leg here. I think it's a great look!
I grew up tasting wine in Napa and Paso Robles regions from my early twenties on. It gets under your skin as I am sure good whisky does. Taken as it was meant, Mr. Seago! And thanks for the complement
Last edited by Shuteye; 7th April 11 at 06:33 AM.
6th April 11, 06:44 AM
Like the fedora look!
Originally Posted by AKScott
This is a look my fiance really likes. I also posted it in the fedora thread. I shoulda worn my sunglasses for this, pretty bright out today.
Spring melt is a very akward footwear season here, we get about six weeks of ice sheets in the morning with afternoon mud puddles. Thankfully the melt is well underway.
I would be fine hiking or doing yardwork in this, but I am very ready for boot season to end.
Hey, AKScott ..... My wife was looking through this thread and really likes your fedora look. Something tells me I may be looking for one for next winter's wear
We both agree that all you need on this outfit is a belt to set it all off. One in honey leather might look really cool with the boots, sporan and fedora.
Last edited by Shuteye; 6th April 11 at 05:59 PM.
7th April 11, 01:33 AM
posted in error see below
Last edited by Grae; 11th April 11 at 11:39 PM.
7th April 11, 02:48 AM
My post above shows my ignorance at posting photos on this ( or any ) forum, I was trying to master the photo posting process by follwing the FAQ step by step guide and have ended up posting my practice run photos! I didn't mean to hijack or derail the thread. So be it, to put some facts to the photos Argyle district tartan ( or Campbell of Cawdor) modern, Lochcarron 16 oz , 6 yards knife pleated by Bonnie Heather.
Last edited by Grae; 11th April 11 at 11:53 PM.
7th April 11, 03:58 AM
I think "looks", as the word pertains to an overall appearence rather than whether one is "good looking", is a hard thing to dissect oft times, because in general it requires the combination of inanimate objects (those things that we wear and accessories we carry) with the animate "human" and individualist flair and panache (not that guy, although he does have it in spades), and the not to be forgotten environmental effects of the surroundings and background. A "look" can be strictly traditional and many carry it off well with the proper components and comport, or can be the same individualized with just a spot of personal touch, or can be taken all the way down the road with the full out "I wear what I like because I think it looks good and it makes me feel good" approach. Some times what makes a particular look for a person may be something as simple as a pocket square or a walking stick, or an individual's smile or beard, their carriage and stance, and as above their surroundings are often crucial for setting off the best of any "look". Examples of the latter are extremely well seen in nearly all of Ron's canyonland kilted pictures, as his style and attire choices just fit that environment perfectly. Put him in the same attire on a busy urban highrise filled street and I think the same "look" would lose some of its stature. Much of Hamish's style is not just what he chooses to wear, or the exceptional style and pride with which he wears it, but also where he wears it and is photographed (sorry---amateur photographer here). Jim's pictures posted above (The Scot) show how even a change of facial hair or a couple pounds of weight can have an impact on a "look" of any variety (sorry to pick you out Jim but I don't think I have ever seen you without your moustache).
So it is not just what you wear, but how you individualize it to your tastes and personality, how comfortable and stylish you feel when you are wearing it will show with a confident appearence, and finally wearing it where you are comfortable will also set off the "look" with that feeling that it just fits, it is just right because it is, not because of any one piece or part, but the whole together. No one would ever say that the bumper of a Porsche 356B "makes" the look---it is the whole package, and its surroundings (a tyrolean two lane carving turns through the Schwarzwald versus a packed Walmart parking lot, say) can only make that package look even better.
A few of my personal favorite looks (I would not dare to presume to post other folks' photos):
I know, I know, it's a flatcap. But the framing of the porch overlook, posture and pose, and St Andrews golf course in the background make it work.
I know, another flatcap. Sheesh. But framed in the white entryway of my home, and non-standard posture/pose again.
Like the tam better? How many noticed no sporran---getting ready to golf Muirfield in the background.
Finally, a proper balmoral. Sticking out from the crowd, but who would think to wear diced hose and a fairly dressy sporran to a daytime event? It just happened that I was in a men's fashion contest, and it not only worked for that event ($100 prize for second place) but looked fine for the remainder of the day and early evening at the races, and got me on TV too.
Gaelic curse on a black t-shirt? Works when you are heading out for a kilt night with friends and family. And a proper balmoral even (although indoors probably a no-no), while the boy makes a french beret look good simply by locating a gorgeous smile just a bit south of it, despite the ghillie shirt and red Keens.
Dressy outfit for a dressy event, even the boy has on his best Nessie bib and flannel flat cap (me my bal' again, outdoors this time). With the exception of the crowd, who could choose a better venue than Edinburgh Castle?
IMHO the four elements of "the look" in kilt wearing are what you choose to wear (and carry), how you choose to wear it (your individualization of the outfit), your attitude/panache while wearing it, and where you are seen (or photographed) wearing it.
I would say "just my tuppence" but I think you all got about a schilling's worth instead. Sorry for the length.
Last edited by ForresterModern; 8th April 11 at 05:01 AM.
7th April 11, 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Shuteye
So I throw these pics out there for evaluation in hopes of changing your mind, CMcG. In the hot California central valley summers, I go about town dressed like this all summer and feel comfortable and "manly". <snip>
I think you look fine in flip flops with a t-shirt and this would certainly be appropriate for that kind of heat. IMHO though, as a "look" goes, this is definitely practicality over appearance. A UK just looks better with boots because, to my eye, it is more balanced. But you can't argue with mother nature...
- Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
- An t'arm breac dearg
7th April 11, 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by CMcG
I think you look fine in flip flops with a t-shirt and this would certainly be appropriate for that kind of heat. IMHO though, as a "look" goes, this is definitely practicality over appearance. A UK just looks better with boots because, to my eye, it is more balanced. But you can't argue with mother nature...
Agreed 100%! While I definitely don't feel "unmanned" by the hot weather look , it is definitely not up to par with the look of boots. The Workman looks even more out of balance with flip flops than the lighter Original UK. I do, however, wear a Workman around the house in the summer only because I have a caramel colored one that is a soft, faded, beater that is stained and abused, and it holds tools and pruners well. My wife raises heck when I try to wear it out and about because it is so beat up. Occasionally I manage to sneak out alone in it on Saturday errands In the winter with a thread bare old jacket, it provides a good, hard worked look .... gets some good double takes at home depot.
7th April 11, 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Grae
My post above shows my ignorance at posting photos on this ( or any ) forum, I was trying to master the photo posting process by follwing the FAQ step by step guide and have ended up posting my practice run photos! I didn't mean to hijack or derail the thread. So be it, to put some facts to the photos Argyle district tartan ( or Campbell of Cawdor) modern, Lochcarron 16 oz , 6 yards knife pleated by Bonnie Heather.
There ya go
7th April 11, 08:01 PM
Cool! Thanks Cowher how did you do that!
7th April 11, 09:49 PM
There are a lot of good ideas here.
The thing I struggle with the most is what sort of headgear works best in a coastal rainforest climate? I have a hat very similar to the Wizard's but I rarely wear it with a kilt; for some reason I almost always opt for a very large umbrella. Now that I see the picture, it's easier to imagine wearing that combination.
The most common faux pas I noticed among the photos: those of you with a second buckle on your right side--loosen it off a bit. Your kilt will hang better and you won't have the wrinkles or puckers under the belt line.
EPITAPH: Decades from now, no one will know what my bank balance looked like, it won't matter to anyone what kind of car I drove, nor will anyone care what sort of house I lived in. But the world will be a different place, because I did something so mind bafflingly eccentric that my ruins have become a tourist attraction.
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